YYH Search

for "Leukorrhea"

Search Results

Our internal search has returned 51 matches for "Leukorrhea". The most recent ones that match in each category are below, use the buttons to show results only for a specific content type. Use the "google" link at the bottom to see results (may be better for less specific terms).

Forum Posts Top Results

Hi. Could you please send me the link of product that may being helpful in cases of leucorrhea(leukorrhea) which caused by spleen qi deficiency (internal dampness) Thank you

Hello doctor! from last 2 weeks i have disease of Leukorrhea , this is not first time, from last 2 years i have this disease, please suggest me some good medicine, i am also pregnant from last 3 Months.

Forum Comments Top Results

Have you had any western bloodwork - particularly thyroid and/or hormone levels? If so, anything out of the ordinary? Have you done Chinese herbs at all yet? If so, what have you done and with what result? Generally speaking some of your deeper issues would do best with herbs and acupuncture, bu…

There is no way to answer that question without a lot more information from the western medical/symptoms side and a diagnosis in Chinese Medicine terms (see “treating the cause and not the symptoms”). Generally there are functional/structural reasons (prolapses, fibroids, cancer, etc.), psychologic…

Blog Posts Top Results

Perimenopause is the transition that women go through on their way to menopause - the cessation of menstruation and fertility.   This transition can be a multi-year or even decade or longer process with the average being 4 years.  Some women will experience minimal symptoms and others can have yea…

TCM Herbs Top Results

Nourish the lungs, stop wheezing - cough with copious sputum. Eliminate dampness, stop discharges - leukorrhea, turbid/frequent urine, deficiency and damp heat patterns. Stabilize the lower burner - urinary frequency, incontinence, spermatorrhea.

Useful for arthritic conditions by expelling wind-damp and promoting urination. Induces sweat and relieves the exterior - diarrhea, dysentery. Can be used for hemorrhoids, skin infections, psoriasis, leukorrhea and STD's such as gonorrhea and syphilis via the function of eliminating toxic heat. …

TCM Formulas Top Results

Clearing damp heat in the lower warmer, particularly with underlying blood deficiency - vaginal disharge, vaginal itching, vaginal inflammation along with constipation, possibly anemia, low back pain, and/or abdominal pain.  Leukorrhea may be yellow, white or red. Gonorrhea, syphilis.

Painful urination when it arises from damp heat syndrome - urinary tract infections, leukorrhea, cystitis. Prostatitis when from damp heat.

- Try searching with google for "Leukorrhea"

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