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for "Migraines"

Search Results

Our internal search has returned 106 matches for "Migraines". The most recent ones that match in each category are below, use the buttons to show results only for a specific content type. Use the "google" link at the bottom to see results (may be better for less specific terms).

Forum Posts Top Results

Hello, I was wondering what your experience was with what acupuncture points are used to treat migraines? Also, are herbals used for migraines too, if so which ones?  

The Gallbladder and its Mysteries… I have a friend with bad migraines. The location is on the side of the head along the Gallbladder meridian. Very interesting. Is there a relationship between the Gallbladder and brain? Is this a gallstone issue? Secondly, I had an interesting experience… I was …

Forum Comments Top Results

So similar answer to one of your other questions - the idea of "migraine" in pure TCM terms is functionally invalid.  You rarely, if ever, try to design a treatment to a western condition - rather you find their diagnosis in TCM terms and you treat that.  The concept of the western condition comes …

I wanted to add that an acupuncturist put me on a modified Xiao Chai Hu (for this which really helped the brief migraines on the side of the head on the Gallbladder meridian. Unpleasant sensations there are now very very rare… I avoid EMF exposure and try to keep my cellphone out of pockets away f…

Blog Posts Top Results

People suffering with migraines may do just about anything to be rid of them. What about bloodletting? While bloodletting sounds straight out of the middle ages, it is actually a fairly mild technique used within acupuncture for a range of conditions. Our theory site has a general introduction to b…

According to the text, "Micronutrients: Metabolic Tuning - Prevention - Therapy", magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body and is essential to our health. It is required for over 300 essential metabolic reactions in the human body such as an energy production, cardiovascular …

TCM Herbs Top Results

Dries dampness, transforms phlegm, expels wind-cold, stops spasms - wind-phlegm affecting the head including wind stroke, facial paralysis, hemiplegia, migraines. Relieves toxicity, dissipates nodules - snake bite, scrofula.

Releases exterior, expel wind-cold (headache, chills, body ache) Bi-Syndromes, Wind-Damp, alleviates pain, relieves spasms (not very strong, only as a supporting herb) Trembling hands and/or feet Spleen/Liver intestinal issues - painful diarrhea, bright blood in stool Migraines  

TCM Formulas Top Results

Nausea with possible vomitting from combination of damp with liver qi stagnation causing rebellious qi. Dizziness, migraines, and vertigo from damp and liver wind rising. Heavy or oppressed sensation of the chest.

Headaches, primarily from wind-cold (but used with wind-heat/wind-damp), with neck stiffness, muscle aches and/or nasal discharge. In certain cases may be useful for migraines, frequent headaches - particularly when they are influenced by cold weather and/or changing from warm to cold environments…

- Try searching with google for "Migraines"

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