YYH Search

for "Rhinitis"

Search Results

Our internal search has returned 33 matches for "Rhinitis". The most recent ones that match in each category are below, use the buttons to show results only for a specific content type. Use the "google" link at the bottom to see results (may be better for less specific terms).

Forum Posts Top Results

Hello, I have an all year-round heavily rhinitis problem (Nonallergic) with unbearable symptoms, lasting more than 4-6 hours per day such as unbearably stuffy & runny nose and unstoppable sneezing. After trying many methods via alternative medicine, I have started acupuncture and taking the pil…

I have allergic rhynitis. This was not the case in child hoold but during my teenage i got diagnosed with this allergy due to symptoms of runny nose and sneezing. This do bother me very less in dry cities but i feel alot of issue in costal areas. Anti histamine even dont work well. Is there any sol…

Forum Comments Top Results

Read our UTI treatment section as well as the one for rhinitis.

Hi, The practitioner doesn’t practise chinese herbal medicine, so he couldn’t recommend any herbs, He’s greek… He just said to take valeriana at night for sleep. The 2nd session acupuncture was helpful but the practitioner wasn’t helpfull and didnt want to continue with him. I did blood test in…

Blog Posts Top Results

Seasonal allergies affect many people every day and may impact their lives profoundly, from itchy eyes to sneezing, stuffy nose, to swelling of the face and throat in extreme cases. Many people that I know, relatives and friends, are under medical treatment for seasonal allergies and have been tak…

Tinnitus is the perception of ringing and/or sounds in the ear.  The severity can range from mildly annoying to disabling.  It affects over 340 million people worldwide and appears to be increasing for a not entirely clear set of reasons.  Military personnel, factory workers, and others with noise…

TCM Formulas Top Results

For acute or chronic rhinitis resulting from the combination of lung qi deficiency and phlegm accumulation. Runny nose, sneezing, congestion due to phlegm. Can be used to treat for general cold or flu symptoms due to phlegm and wind.

Headaches, primarily from wind-cold (but used with wind-heat/wind-damp), with neck stiffness, muscle aches and/or nasal discharge. In certain cases may be useful for migraines, frequent headaches - particularly when they are influenced by cold weather and/or changing from warm to cold environments…

- Try searching with google for "Rhinitis"

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