Acupuncture Points On The Governing Vessel Meridian

Acupuncture Points Database

Acupuncture Points On The Governing Vessel Meridian

Click to view detailed clinical information for any of the points along the governing vessel meridian. You will find location information, relationships, clinical applications, precautions and more.

If you are a student, or if you simply want to see all of the point locations and functions in one place, view our governingvessel meridian acupuncture point "flash" cards - study tool section.

GV Point of the Day

Wind Mansion (GV16)gv16
  • Main point for wind, whether exterior or interior, particularly affecting the head and neck. For wind cold headache, stiff neck, aversion to wind; as well as dizziness, visual dizziness, numbness, twitching, tremors.
  • Window of the Sky point, promotes communication between the head and body, many indications are consistient with other points of this group, such as headache, dizziness, throat swelling, earache, eye pain, nosebleeds, aphasia.
  • Psychological issues such as mania, palpitations from fear a/or fright, suicidal thoughts.
  • Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Used to effect the medulla function (breathing issues, asthma, tight chest, etc.), but GV 17 is used more frequently, useful in spinal cord issues.  

GV Meridian Student/Usage Information
  • Internal/External Pathways
    Arises from the lower abdomen and emerges from the perineum
    At GV 16 a branch enters the brain and another continues around the head
  • Measurements Needed
    Posterior Hairline -to- C7 (GV 14) = 3 cun
    Posterior Hairline -to- Anterior Hairline = 12 cun
    Anterior Hairline -to- Glabella = 3 cun
    Anterior Hairline -to- GV 20 = 5 cun
    Posterior Hairline -to- GV 20 = 7 cun
    Vertebral Landmarks
    Superior Angle of the Scapula = approx T2
    Spine of the Scapula = approx T3
    Inferior Angle of the Scapula = approx T7
    Posterior Iliac Crest = approx L4
  • Precautions - [all]
    GV 4 - No Moxa in males under 20 years old (Dr. So)
    GV 6 - No Moxa
    GV 15 - No Moxa, No Deep Needle
    GV 16 - No Moxa, No Deep Needle
    GV 25 thru GV 28 - No Moxa
  • Additional Helpful Information
  • The Governing Vessel Meridian has no points under the following vertebrae:
    Cervical: 2,3,4,5,6
    Thoracic: 2,4,8,12
    Lumbar: 3,5
  • Finding GV points on the head:
    First find GV 20
    For Posterior points find GV 16 (6 cun below)
    Split in half and you have GV 18
    Split each remaining half for GV 17 and GV 19 respectively
    For Anterior points
    GV 24 is .5 cun posterior to the hairline
    GV 23 is .5 cun posterior to GV 24
    GV 22 is 1 cun posterior to GV 23
    Midway between GV 22 and GV 20 is GV 21

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