Our theory section contains many different avenues to explore. The driving force on our site is the TCM Theory section. We also discuss adjunctive systems such as auricular acupuncture and self-contained systems like Japanese acupuncture and the tam healing/tong ren therapy system.
This page contains the abdominal presentation, treatment points and associated signs and symptoms for the Whiplash Extraordinary Vessel Ion Pumping Cord Treatment. For a description of the overall treatment protocol see our Extraordinary Vessel treatment information page. Extraordinary Vessel -...
The most read are our acupuncture points database and our herbal sections. Our herbal sections offer theory and application details for the majority of commonly used tcm herbs and tcm herbal formulas.
Treatment protocols are discussed in detail for tcm acupuncture (along with common precautions).
Below you will find some of the more common tcm diagnoses and acupuncture treatment protocols for hypertension (high blood pressure). There are many ways to approach the treatment of this condition within TCM. Our presentation describes foundational approaches that would...
In most of the systems discussed on our site, treatments are approached in theoretical terms using the lexicon of tcm diagnoses in combination with the western health issues/symptoms that a patient may be experiencing.
Accordingly, our site has much of the content grouped by an associated TCM diagnostic pattern and/or a related health issue/symptom.
Fatigue, SOB, weak voice, spontaneous daytime sweating, catch colds easily/frequently, pale complexion.
Skin cancer occurs when extra skin cells amass to form a malignant tumor. The two most common forms of skin cancer are basal cell skin cancer and squamous cell skin cancer, which both occur in areas of skin that are...
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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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