Auricular Acupuncture - Functional II Points
Below the location image you will find a brief description of each of the points.
Functional II Point Functions
- Psychosomatic 1 - psychological disorders, repressed emotional experiences
- Weather - symptoms related to changes in weather
- Heat - peripheral vasodilation, acute/strained low back
- Insomnia 1 - insomnia, nervousness, depression
- Insomnia 2 - insomnia, sleep difficulties, nervous dreams, inability to dream
- Alertness - arousal, alertness
- Sexual Compulsion - insomnia, lowers libido, calms sexuality
- Sexual Desire - increases libido, enhances sexual arousal
- Anti-Depressant 1 - endogenous depression, reactive depression, dysphoric mood
- Metabolism - metabolic disorders
- Sneezing - sneezing, allergies
- Aggresivity 1 - irritability, aggresion, frustration, rage
- Master Omega - psychological stress, OCD, fear, worry, ruminating thoughts
Sources and More Information
The information on our site is drawn from our own lecture notes and clinical experience. The following lecture notes were used within this section:
- Harstein, Rachel: New England School of Acupuncture, Acupuncture Microsystems Lecture Notes