Diagnostic Patterns

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnostic Patterns

Below you will find links to the 56 TCM diagnostic patterns available to explore on our site. Within each diagnostic pattern section you will find pointers to related information such as acupuncture protocols, herbal formulas, blog articles/research and more. You may use this section to explore the ways in which Chinese Medicine may approach resolving a diagnostically significant imbalance.

TCM Pattern of the Day

Liver Wind

Can come from LV Blood Deficiency, LV Yang Rising or from Internal heat (discussed here), muscle spasms, convulsions, high fever, fairly serious condition.

Due to how Chinese Medicine works there is an interweaving between "conditions" and "patterns" - i.e. a pattern can exhibit with many issues/symptoms and an issue/symptom may be driven by any number of potential patterns. This is where the diagnostic techniques within Chinese Medicine are critical - finding and resolving the "root" imbalance, as opposed to chasing after symptoms (basic guide here).

We also have a meta list grouped by issues/symptoms that you may explore.

Issue/Symptom of the Day

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer develops in the tissues on the surface of the cervix (the passageway that connects the uterus and vagina). Women in the early stages of cervical cancer may not exhibit any symptoms, however, as the cancer progresses women might...

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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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