Urinary Disorders (Lin Disease)

Health Issues/Symptoms Connections

"Urinary Disorders (Lin Disease)" Issue / Symptom Connections

Below you will find various relationships to, and potential clinical treatment approaches for urinary disorders (lin disease).

It is critical to appreciate that in Chinese Medicine, treatment for "urinary disorders (lin disease)" is rarely focused on the symptoms exclusively. Alternatively, a practitioner is looking at the factors that led to the development of "urinary disorders (lin disease)" - i.e. the "cause(s)".

For non-practitioners, we recommend reading treating the "cause" and not the "symptoms" for more on the overall approach and the importance of the TCM diagnostic system in formulating treatment approaches.

Related Acupuncture Protocols

When developing an acupuncture protocol a practitioner is very often focusing on the causal diagnoses in Chinese Medicine terms, not on the condition itself. To illustrate and guide developing an acupuncture treatment for someone experiencing urinary disorders (lin disease), this issue is referenced in the following acupuncture protocol section:

Some acupuncture points are considered "empirically" related to a specific condition or diagnostic pattern. While this would rarely, if ever, dictate the entire composition of a treatment, the following points should be considered, possibly even more so within the context of acupressure:

  • View EX Huatuojiaji at L5 (Sides of Spine at L5)

        .5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous processes of L5

        L5 innervates the descending colon and is used for the entire range of bowel issues, hemorrhoids, constipation, IBS, diarrhea, etc.  The huatuo at L1 or L2, however, is often the area that is blocked with this range of issues.  This area m…
  • View EX Huatuojiaji at S2 (Sides of Spine at S2)

        In the area around the 2nd sacral foramen, UB 32

        S2 influences the bladder and is used for a range of bladder issues, such as blood in the urine, or burning, as well as women's issues and reproductive issues. Used  extensively within the Tam Healing System and Tong Ren Therapy. May be n…
  • View EX Huatuojiaji at S4 (Sides of Spine at S4)

        In the area around the 4th sacral foramen, UB 34

        S4 influences the urinary tract and is used for a range of urinary disorders. Used  extensively within the Tam Healing System and Tong Ren Therapy. May be needled and used with tuina and/or tonren therapy.
  • View KD 2 (Blazing Valley)

        Anterior and Inferior to the medial malleolus in a depression on the lower border of the tuberosity of the navicular bo…

        Generally useful for clearing excesses & acute presentations. Ying Spring Point - clears heat, especially KD empty heat - chronic sore throats, irritability, night sweats, thirst. Lower abdomen/sex organ/genital issues - Irregular me…
  • View KD 7 (Recover Flow)

        2 cun above KD 3 on the anterior border of the achilles tendon.

        Tonifies KD Yang, especially with respect to water regulation - sweating (too much or too little, spontaneous), swellings, urinary issues. Oedema, especially chronic effecting the abdomen a/or lower legs. Five types of Lin Disorder - res…
  • View KD 10 (Yin Valley)

        On the medial side of the knee joint between the tendons of semitendinosis and semimembranosus.

        Clears damp or damp-heat in the lower warmer - urgent/difficult urination, genital pain/itching, leukorrhea, uterine bleeding. Main treatment point of Liver Sho pattern (with LV 8) - in Japanese style Five Phase treatment protocol.
  • View KD 16 (Huang Shu)

        .5 cun lateral to CV 8.

        Cold a/or Dry effecting the lower abdomen a/or intestines - constipation, abdominal pain, five types of Lin, shan disorder
  • View LI 8 (Lower Ridge)

        4 cun below LI 11 on the LI 5 to LI 11 line.

        The following relationships exist between the ST and the LI and can be used to treat ST, LI and SI organ problems: SI: LI 8 & ST 39 LI: LI 9 & ST 37 ST: LI 10 & ST 36 Blood in the urine arising from heat in the SI - use wit…
  • View LI 9 (Upper Ridge)

        3 cun below LI 11 on the LI 5 to LI 11 line.

        The following relationships exist between the ST and the LI and can be used to treat ST, LI and SI organ problems: SI: LI 8 & ST 39 LI: LI 9 & ST 37 ST: LI 10 & ST 36 Local point for shoulder, elbow, and arm pain. Stagnati…
  • View SP 7 (Leaking Valley)

        6 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus on line connecting SP 9 and the tip of the medial malleolus on the posterio…

        Local point. Continued muscle atrophy in the presence of adequate nutrition. Promotes urination - difficult urination. Resolves dampness - lower body swelling, ankle, knee.
  • View SP 10 (Sea of Blood)

        With knee flexed, 2 cun above the superior medial border of the patella on the bulge of the medial portion of quadricep…

        Any Gynecological issues originating from Blood, Heat, Stasis a/or Deficiency - irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, cramping, lin disorders, PMS, uterine bleeding. Skin problems from damp-heat or hot Blood - eczema, painful/…
  • View SP 11 (Winnower Gate)

        6 cun above SP 10 on the line connecting SP 12 to SP 10.

        Used for a variety of urinary issues related to a collection of dampness/damp-heat - difficult urination/obstruction, retention of urine. Swelling in the groin, pain/itching of the external genitalia.
  • View SP 12 (Surging Gate)

        Superior to the lateral end of the inguinal groove lateral to the pulsating external iliac artery (joins femoral artery…

        Used for a variety of urinary disorders (retention, painful) due to it's functions of draining dampness, clearing heat and regulating urination. Abdominal pain, hernia, hemorrhoids by regulating qi and invigorating blood.
  • View ST 27 (Great Gigantic)

        2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV 5.

        Beneficial for multiple genito-urinary issues in men - impotence (erectile dysfunction), seminal emission, premature ejaculation, difficult urination, etc. Irregular menstruation. Abdominal pain, bloating, hernia. Fear/fright with palpi…
  • View ST 28 (Waterway)

        2 cun lateral to the AML level with CV 4.

        Excess Cold/Damp Issues of the Lower Warmer - retention of urine, inflammations. Gynecological issues of an excess nature - dysmenorrhea, fibroids, cysts. Fertility issues in women, cold in the uterus. Expel either the placenta after bi…
  • View UB 22 (Triple Burner Shu)

        1.5 cun lateral to GV 5, level with L1.

        As Triple Heater Shu this point effects conditions related to imbalances between the upper and lower parts of the body especially those related to water: edema, bloating, ascites, borborygmus, difficult or painful urination, urinary retent…
  • View UB 26 (Origin Pass Shu)

        1.5 cun lateral to GV line, level with L5.

        Local point for clearing the channel - low back pain, both as a local point and from wind invasion (possibly with UB 28). Dissipates cold in the lower warmer - abdominal pain, bowel issues, abdominal masses. Possibly useful for a range o…
  • View UB 27 (Small Intestine Shu)

        1.5 cun lateral to GV line, level with 1st PSF.

        Main point for all Small Intestine related issues. Damp heat effecting the bladder (difficult or painful urination, hematuria, dark urine). Damp heat effecting the intestines (diarrhea, hemorrhoids, dysentary). Other lower warmer discha…
  • View UB 28 (Bladder Shu)

        1.5 cun lateral to GV line, level with 2nd PSF.

        Main point for all Bladder issues: from damp heat (painful a/or dark urination), from cold (frequent urination, incontinence). For damp-heat anywhere in the body, combine with SP 9 to expel dampness through urination - diarrhea, constipat…
  • View UB 34 (Lower Bone Hole)

        On the sarcum lateral to GV 2, level with the 4th PSF.

        UB 31, UB 32, UB 33 & UB 34 together form the "Eight Liao" points and are all useful for local low back a/or sacrum problems and most genital and urinary related disorders. Of these UB 32 is most often used clinically. Useful for cons…
  • View UB 36 (Support)

        On posterior side of the thigh at the midpoint of the inferior gluteal crease (locate in prone position).

        Low back pain/sciatica where pain runs down the posterior aspect of the leg. Weakness of the lower limb. Similar functions to UB 35 in clearing damp heat and swellings from the lower warmer - genital pain and swelling, hemorrhoids, semin…
  • View UB 39 (Bend Yang)

        Lateral to UB 40 on the medial border of the tendon of biceps femoris.

        Harmonize the triple warmer, damp heat conditions effecting the lower warmer: disperse for difficult urination, tonify for urinary incontinence. Frees the channel - lumbar pain, lower intestinal distention, hemorrhoids. Swellings in the …

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