Back Pain

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Back Pain Is Referenced In 24 Blog Posts

Within the field of acupuncture there are many styles, or schools of thought, and each of these schools contains within it unique diagnostic tools and theories which lead the practitioner to appropriate acupuncture point selection and treatment methods. This page discusses some of the basic Traditi…

Acupuncture and the entire range of Chinese Medicine tools (cupping, herbal medicine, tuina, etc.) are used for a wide variety of acute and chronic pain issues.  Low back pain, which this study looked at more closely, is a global problem that affects around 80% of the population at one point or ano…

Moxibustion is an externally applied herbal technique commonly used within Chinese Medicine (see What Is Moxibustion? for more information).  Moxibustion has a wide range of uses and is often recommended by acupuncturists as a home/self treatment and used in many clinics during patient visits as we…

Before we get into details the crux of this article can be summed up in one statement...  Chinese Medicine treats patterns of illness that can contain any number of symptoms/western conditions whereas generally western medicine is symptomatic/condition based.  This is an important distinction to ha…

Tai Chi has an enormous array of health benefits and has been heavily studied.  Benefits range from improving mood and energy levels to cardiovascular health to muscle strength and balance.  Researchers from the George Institute for Global Health and the University of Sydney in Australia recently c…

The acupuncture point KD 3 is a widely used point to build the energy of the body.  The point may be used to strengthen the qi, yin and yang of the kidney system which may aid conditions ranging from asthma and fatigue to low back pain, ankle pain to nightsweats, tinnitus, anxiety and headaches, am…

As well as fertility and birthing issues, acupuncture is very often used during pregnancy as it is both effective and in some cases there are no viable western alternatives. Breech position, back pain, morning sickness, propensity towards miscarriages, and more are all commonly treated. There are…

The second in a series demystifying Chinese Medicine Theory for Patients and the General Public Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) provides us with unique and illustrative ways of looking at our health and relationships between ourselves, others, and our environment. This series of articles is par…

Not getting enough sleep? This is a common problem in many parts of the world, perhaps more so in western developed countries where overwork and lack of rest are often seen as the way to obtain success in your career. Many are aware, at least at a gut level, that poor sleep and lack of sleep are…

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