Digestive Issues

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Digestive Issues Is Referenced In 25 Blog Posts

Many digestive issues including Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn's are commonly treated with Chinese Medicine.  The process may take anywhere from a few months to a year or more to resolve these issues completely .  Generally a combination of techniques including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medi…

The beneficial effects of acupuncture on improving outcomes during western chemo cancer treatments have been well established in both clinical outcomes and in research studies. The reductions in nausea and/or vomiting from chemo are very beneficial not just from an obvious viewpoint, but many time…

There are many acupuncture techniques and herbal formulas within Chinese Medicine that are used in the complementary care of cancer. The upside and the downside of western chemotherapy treatment is the strength of it. Many patients have issues after their chemo treatment (fatigue, neuropathy, diges…

Acupressure is often used for a wide range of mild to moderate conditions. One point that is often recommended is on the wrist and is often used for nausea - PC 6. Another point on the leg is used for digestive issues, strength and stamina and more - ST 36. Both of these points have been discuss…

Below you will find commonly used acupressure points located on the chest and abdomen.  Chest and abdomen points are helpful for a range of conditions including fatigue, breathing problems, digestive issues, anxiety and other emotional imbalances and more.  For acupressure points on other parts of …

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are commonly used to both treat and resolve a wide range of digestive issues.  While proper treatment generally requires both dietary and lifestyle changes on the part of the patient, the effect of acupuncture is still significant. Chinese researchers in the …

Before we get into details the crux of this article can be summed up in one statement...  Chinese Medicine treats patterns of illness that can contain any number of symptoms/western conditions whereas generally western medicine is symptomatic/condition based.  This is an important distinction to ha…

The acupuncture point, LV 3, is a widely used point for a number of conditions in the human body.  The effects of that point when combined with others within a proper treatment aids conditions as varied as insomnia, anxiety, menstrual issues, digestive issues, and eye swelling among many others.  L…

This the fourth edition in my general introduction to the meridian/organ systems in Chinese Medicine will focus on the Stomach and Spleen meridians. As we have discussed in previous articles on the Liver, Kidney, and Heart systems, Chinese Medicine uses meridians named after and related to our phys…

This is a question I, as well as most acupuncturists, get asked frequently. Along with another very popular and related question, "Does Acupuncture Work?,” our days and conversations are filled with educating others about our medicine. To be an acupuncturist, you have to be an educator, this is a …

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