Sustaining Memberships

helping us advance the world of Chinese Medicine

Become A Sustaining Member

We greatly appreciate your interest in becoming a sustaining member of our site!

You will be joining our 4140 general members from over 120 countries. Our users access around half a million page views monthly.

With such professionally tailored functionality and content, running a site like this is not inexpensive and requires countless hours of volunteered time and financial input. Your membership goes a long way towards helping us to expand the reach of our field and gain patients and an audience for your practice and contributions.

It is our belief that in such a developing field, this type of connection and information sharing is essential to the growth of all of us as practitioners.

Thank you for helping all of us by becoming a sustaining member and contributing to fostering a professional community on our site!

Please choose one of the following membership options

note that all the membership levels provide the same benefits, although the top supporter may have their practices show up first in listings and have other promotions to their content... ultimately it is about supporting our site, the community it helps promote and our overall mission - so please offer what you can and feel it is worth to you * recurring payments are managed by stripe

$20 Yearly Sustaining Membership | Support us yearly.

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$40 Yearly Sustaining Membership | *Really* support us yearly.

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$60 Yearly Sustaining Membership | *Wow, You Love Us! top yearly supporter.

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$5 Monthly Sustaining Membership | Support us monthly.

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All Content 1999-2025
Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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