Published on 05-19-2013
"Isabell197515" - this is their first post.
Hello. My name is Isabell and I am trying to help my son.
He recently had a physical done and his white blod cells came high as well as his blood pressure. He told me something about his protein level being low.
I know he smokes weed which in my part is somethng bad, he is not sleeping well, not eating right, exercising regularly and drinking water only. What can I do to help him
The high blood pressure and Diabetes runs in the family so I am concerned because he is to young to have this health problems. I want to try chinese medicine to see if it will help him Thank you.
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on May 2013
All of those lifestyle related diseases (blood sugar, blood pressure, etc.) are well treated overall with a combination of lifestyle/diet change and Chinese Medicine - particularly, now, in the early stages. In later stages a combination of western and eastern approaches is sometimes best which allows only short term use of western medicine in most cases.
I would strongly suggest that you talk to him about beginning a round of treatments with a local practitioner. It will be helpful if he both understands why he would go and comes to the conclusion that it is best for him in his mind - education can help here. Particularly articles like "What Does Acupuncture Treat" are important to understand how Chinese Medicine views these conditions. The majority of practitioners offer dietary and lifestyle recommendations based on their overall diagnosis from a Chinese Medicine perspective. In general terms the ways to beginning healing many common diseases comes in this order... 1) diet/lifestyle/mind, 2) acupuncture/massage, 3) herbal medicine, 4) western medicine
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