Account temporarily banned

forum post

Account temporarily banned

Published on 07-07-2017

"ChadD" is an acupuncturist who lives in Minneapolis and has authored 64 other posts.

Hello Kim,

I wanted to let you know that we have removed your previous two posts and temporarily banned your account from our site. The reasoning is that while you are free to post your opinions, your post was ultimately in bad taste, against our term of use, but more directly, irrelevant to what the original poster was asking. They were not asking for your opinion on the population of the world and the perceived social “risks” of older parents. They were asking for clinical input on clinical issues.

What our expectations are - would be this. (1) you would if you had directly related information to the original posters question add it in…, then (2) if you had some interest in sharing your other personal/theoretical views you would post a separate starter in the “discussions” category to explore the validity of those views in a larger non-individual context and find out whether other practitioners agree or disagree with you.

Ultimately, however, essentially attacking someone on the internet who has been through a struggle like this woman has is more of a problem than a 40 something having a child.

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