Acu-points and Tai-Ji

forum post

Acu-points and Tai-Ji

Published on 05-25-2008

"Li_Ma-Keh" - this is their first post.

I'm kind-of'' surprised that there aren't 'ANY' discussions on the acu-ponit tai-ji chwen connection,, here it goes,'! One of thee' most basic tai-ji posture/acu-point line-ups is "Part Horse's Mane". The forward palm is lined-up with the heart for the lao-gong point to regulate the blood and balance yin he' yang when it passes the lower dan-tien, and the he-gu point is lined-up with the dai-meridian on the seperated downward palm. Every posture has an acu-point line-up,..although it is 'rare' to find a teacher that even 'knows' this let alone teaches it, most lab-testing has found that just 'doing' tai-ji chwen is a magnetic-massage in and of itself. Coach Ma-Ke

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "martyeisen"
on Nov 2012

Most people aren&#39t interested in the theory of Tai Chi using Chinese medical theory. The

majority of instructors don&#39t know anything about this topic.

There are many scientific papers on the benefits of Tai Chi and mild exercise.

For example, recent research conducted at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, published in the Nov. 14 online issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, indicates that even moderate exercise can greatly reduce the risk of heart attack for seniors.

They used certain biomarkers, which were tied to heart injury that was otherwise undetectable, but were associated with a higher risk of death by cardiovascular disease.

The study consisted of 2900 subjects over the age of 65. They were tracked for their biomarkers along with their levels of physical activity.

The researchers concluded that not only did the biomarkers lower as physical activity went up, but that the probability of heart failure went down. They additionally concluded that even moderate amounts of exercise in seniors dramatically lowered the risk of death by heart attack.

This gives support for another beneficial effect of Tai Chi for health. If the exercise studied was Tai Chi, they probably would have obtained even better results.

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comment by "Michaelwkoerner"
on Apr 2014


I am verin interested in learning more about the acupunture line ups in the different Taiji postures as eluded to by Coach Ma-Ke above. I have come across reveral resources citing which meridians are effected by the different Taiji postures, but have not been able to find anyone or any source to better explain why and what the theory is regarding incorporating that into one&#39s practice. I would sincerly appreciate any guidance in the direction of discovering this information.

With Humility and Respect,


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comment by "Nathaniel_Whitm"
on Sep 2014

I intend to look for such resources myself, but do you have any suggestions?

It is interesting that the practice of tai chi and Chinese medicine often take off in different directions (practitioners focusing on one art while practically ignoring the other), when it seems to me that they basically depend on each other. How can one realize the full benefits of Chinese medicine without the practical alchemy of tai chi "moving meditation" to balance yin and yang? Likewise, how can one realize the full benefit of tai chi practice with no knowledge of meridians and such? Like many things, however, it is difficult to understand or intellectualize the benefits of tai chi from the outside - one has to practice and see for oneself.

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comment by "Nathaniel_Whitm"
on Sep 2014

One could discuss the benefits of tai chi chuan related to balance, blood pressure, stress and emotional health, self-defence... Generally, the benefit of tai chi is that it regulates and normalized body functions while boosting chi. This is a superior medicine in that it improves health overall so that the body/mind can take care of itself.

If Chinese medicine lacked the tendency to become very narrowly focused and symptom treatment oriented, it would probably have retained tai chi practice as a central pillar. In fact, tai chi can relieve various symptoms of ill health, sometimes dramatically; but it&#39s main benefit is general.

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