Acupuncture and Neurofibromatosis Type 2

forum post

Acupuncture and Neurofibromatosis Type 2

Published on 04-18-2011

"gurudattahk" is an acupuncturist who lives in India and has authored 3 other posts.

This is a case of Neuro fibroma type II, for which I was approached to be treated with Acupuncture. It is genetic in origin as the patient's father also had the similar problem and presented with cranial meningiomas.

He has been operated for Sacral Neurofibroma leading to loss of strength and atrophy of the left leg about 15 years back. Also has lost hearing in left ear completely and to a large extent in the right ear, due to bilateral acoustic schwannoma.

The symptoms are - there is deviation in the angle of the mouth to the left, numbness over the left side of the face, imbalance while walking, giddiness and loss of taste sensation.

At present, suffering from left shoulder and neck pain which comes mostly during sleep which is sharp on the left shoulder and neck.

Has also pain the back even on doing any moderate activity, sharp and radiating down the left leg.

Urinary incontinence is the other important symptom, feeling that the urine is not completely emptied along with sharp pain in the lower abdomen at times.

Has also imbalance in walking in darkness and semi - dark areas, which is getting worse over time.

My first question is that -

Can a case of Neuro Fibroma Type II be treated with Acupuncture?

Has anybody treated a case of Neuro Fibroma Type II? If so, could you share your experiences in treating the same?

I would be highly obliged to get this discussion going.

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Comments / Discussions:

comment by "rajk58"
on Apr 2011

Your case seems to be very complex . I don&#39t know the syndrome as you have&#39nt mentioned tongue or pulse finding . Try these guidelines .

Neurobrimatosis - Ren 3 , St 37 , K 14 , K 20 . Ren 3, being front mu point of UB, will help in urinary symptoms also.

Loss of Hearing - GB 2+Si 19 + TW 21+TW 17+ TW 5+ Si 3 + UB 2+ UB 63 + St 2+ Li 20

UB 2 and St 2 will take care of facial paresis also.Add Ext 2 ( Taiyang)

Ext 3 (midpoint of the eyebrow) and Ext 40 (between Du 26 and Du 27)

for facial paresis.

- GB 20 + GB 43 + GB 44

Urinary Incontinence and Dysurea - Lu 9 ( reduce) + Li 6 ( reinforce) , UB 25+ UB 32, K 11

K 10 ( esp. if it is urgency incontinence)

Nightblindness - Liv 3+ Li 4+ Li 11 + GB 20+ St 1+ UB 1 (GB 20 will improve hearing too)

GB 1+Liv 2 , UB 1+Liv 2, UB 18+UB 40+Li 1

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