Anhidrosis-no sweats, inner heat

forum post

Anhidrosis-no sweats, inner heat

Published on 08-10-2010

"anon209629" has authored 1 other post.

I would like to ask you, if you will be again so kind and help me with advice on treatment.
The client is African nationality, living 8 years in Ireland, 49 years old male who suffers for about 4 years from extreme inner hotness - which is worsening, with no sweats = anhidrosis (just found this name today:)), very dry skin everywhere on body, red eyes, feels low energy, nauseous - dizzy and weak, sleepy, feverish, dreams a lot lately, has problem with water intake - 1 cup with meal ok, but 2 cups too much - wants to puke. Pain around belly - skin tightness, mouth odor, dry cough. Pain on head like pins and needles.

Medical doctor found nothing wrong with him, except possible allergy to dust and that he needs to strengthen his immunity. No medication prescribed!

I am not acupuncturist by profesion, but I am using AcuGraph to be able to see imbalances in the body and treat basic health issues with selected Chinesse herbs from ChinaMed-SunHerbal, vitamins and minerals, and by diet, lifestyle, massage of lymphatics etc.. According its graphic reading client has very low energy with imbalances in Source Points reading in Heart (high), Liver,Bladder and Stomach (split energy = big different between right and left side of reading) with lower energy readings in Left side of the body in those meridians. His Jing-well points reading showed imbalance in Lung,Spleen and again Bladder (split) and high energy in Gall Bladder. (If this helps)

I was doing some research on anhidrosis and it is not easy to treat. Would like to hear your opinion on this very much, because I trust your knowledge and experience. I would like to prescribe this client of mine the Chronic Eczema Formula CEA 116 from Sun Herbal but prior that I decided to ask you. Because of his energy and conditions he is at the moment, I gave him good quality Magnesium, Bcomplex, Vit. C 1000mg, Zinc and Omega 3,6,9. Recom. more water to drink,if possible and as often as possible for him. Also home treatment of massage Spleen 21 area, acupressure on LI 4 and Liv 3.

Thank you in advance for any reference or advice on this. Very appreciate.

This post has the following associations:

Acupoints: gv 22, li 18

Below are the most recent, view all here.

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Aug 2010

I can almost guarantee that you will not want my opinion on vitamin supplements (see Vitamins and Supplements, More Harm Than Good if you are interested). So I&#39ll leave you to prescribe whatever your training tells you is appropriate. Anhidrosis in our system comes from a blockage in the T4 (thoracic vertebrae 4) area which are the nerves that control the breast and sweat glands. Our main areas of focus are T5 (left side) for the heart, T4 as above, GV 22, and LI 18. All of these can be worked on with acupuncture, tuina massage, tong ren therapy (medical qi gong), etc. The main area, however, is to open the T4 blockage.

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comment by "archived-user"
on Aug 2010

First, you should ask him had any skin injured by fire or not in the past time. if his skin can not sweat, that must has some problem.

Second, if his skin really has not problem, for chinese medicine it should be Yin Def. strong the

kidney yin energy is important, try points Kd 3, 6 maybe helpful.

Thank you

Feng Mei

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comment by "anon209629"
on Aug 2010

Hi Chad,

First of all, let me thank you very much for your quick and straight forward response to my problem with client. Your comments are fabulous. Very appreciate that! Thanks also for very good article about Vitamins and Minerals – I am still learningJ.

I am a kinesiologist by my practice and Vitamins and Minerals supplements are very common to use for balancing body too. In case of my client I used them to help his system to deal with tiredness (low energy), worries and stress(Adrenal support –Vit.C,B). I had a training on basics of acupuncture and Law of 5 Elements with the Miridia company who sells AcuGraph (digital meridian graphing software)and there one of the teachers mentioned, that problems with heart (or blood pressure) can be helped greatly with minerals and vitamins like Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium and Vit.E. In some other article I read, that people, who are on any kind of blood pressure medications are actually by using them depleted from those essential minerals, so they need to supplement them. If you can shortly bring some light into this, I will listen to your advice. Thanks in advance.

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comment by "anon209629"
on Aug 2010

Many Thanks Feng Mei for your reply and your advices. I will keep this forum informed about any progress in dealing with this case.

Appreciate Elsa

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