I just had my first acupuncture treatment in over five years on April 27. Shortly after I had the treatment, I started developing a bruise on my left hand, approximately covering the area of LI 2-4, which is still healing. Around 1:15 a.m. on May 2 I had a major cold wave down my spine that lasted about 20 minutes. It chilled the rest of my body to the point I had to put on winter pajamas and use a quilt to warm up. The cold was centered within the spine itself. By the end of the work day on May 2, I had developed a bruise encompassing my Triple Heater 2 and 3 points.
I believe that the bruise on the left hand may have developed because there had been a needle in LI 2 and during the treatment my nose started itching, I scratched it, and the needle may have nicked a small capillary from being moved. I have no recollection of what caused the bruise on the right hand, it just sort of appeared.
Does this type of bruising have any sigificance in acupuncture treatments?
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on May 2007
Bruising around a needle happens very rarely to experienced practitioners and in beginners/students it may happen more often due to improper needling techniques and/or needling too deeply. Systemic bruising, however, is an entirely different issue and may indicate a more serious health issue.
If the bruises were at or near the point of needle insertion I would simply let them go away, tell your practitioner the next time you visit, and hope it doesn't happen again. If it happens repeatedly, strongly consider seeing a different practitioner.
If the bruises are truly in different areas of the body than those that were needled I would visit your doctor and have a checkup and some blood work done just to be safe.
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