Elevated Liver Enzymes

forum post

Elevated Liver Enzymes

Published on 01-06-2012

"Volesky" has authored 5 other posts.

Does anyone have suggestions for lowering elevated liver enzymes (specifically ALT)? I have treated patients with this but have never directly been able to observe whether treatment or specific point combinations have been responsible for lowering them. The elevated ALT is secondary to use of medications. The meds have since been decreased but ALT remains elevated. Any suggestions are welcome (acupuncture, diet, etc.).


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Comments / Discussions:

comment by "archived-user"
on Jan 2012

If the patient has HBV, only lower the ALT is just for sideway treatment, you can use points: Lv3, Li4, Ub18,19, Ren4,6,12, St36, Sp6, Kd3, etc, and the herbal tea "Ji Gu Cao Chong Ji" also can lower ALT.

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