What is the proper acupuncture protocol for a female, 30 years old married since 5.5 years, had once conceived but miscarriage, Normal cycle, tongue is normal no pallor, normal weight, white, all investigations for her and her husband are normal.
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Jun 2015
There isn’t a “proper” protocol, there is the protocol that matches her diagnosis from a Chinese Medicine perspective based on tongue, pulse, etc. Even when people are “fine” from a western perspective, there is -always- something to balance from the Chinese perspective. The fact that she conceived once gives a better prognosis overall. You can start by reading this article as a general introduction to treating fertility issues and this acupuncture for female infertility diagnosis and point guide. But, again, proper diagnosis is key - tongue, pulse, looking, etc.
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