Published on 12-10-2019
"anon104053" - this is their first post.
Hello Chad,
My name is Olga Venger - I am a physician who is studying acupuncture on my own to use for my should members. Right now I am 40.5 weeks pregnant and tryto avoid induction of labor at all cost. I started acupressure for a number of points myself: SP6, PC8, BL32, BL67, LI4 andBL60.
I found your article very helpful, will add one more point that you used for your wife - LV3.
I live in New York and would LOVE to visit your office, but it is NOT within running distance from my birthing hospital :).
Please, let me know if there are any addition points that I can use to induce labor. I would GREATELY appreciate your response.
Thank you in advance,
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Dec 2019
Since you are in an area with many practicing acupuncturists, I would strongly recommend you simply make an appointment with one today or tomorrow and let them do a full acupuncture treatment. While acupressure has valid uses, compared to properly planned and applied full acupuncture treatments there is no comparison in my opinion. A full acupuncture treatment or two, possibly with moxibustion will likely get things moving.
On your own (or in reality someone doing it for you) stronger massage with acupressure down the liver meridian line from LV 8 down to LV 3 via SP 6. So start with deeper acupressure around SP 10 and LV 8, then down to SP 9, down to SP 6, down to LV 3 - then some on GB 34, UB 60 and squeeze the end of the pinky toe hard (i.e. UB 67).
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comment by "anon104053"
on Dec 2019
comment by "anon219571"
on Dec 2019
Personally I have a lot of doubts about people who “study acupuncture/acupressure on their own”. I think it is irresponsible to practice without a proper education. And I have seen a lot of trouble coming from this kind of self-made practitioners! What if I would study on my own to be a physician (I don’t, because I take it serious)? Practice acupuncture isn’t a kind of amateuristic hobby. If you make mistakes it will give acupuncture a bad name. Please follow some acupuncture classes before practice! And yes that will take you a few years, because a proper education is needed.
About practice on yourself. The points Chad told you will probably help. What helped me was stripping the membranes, after that go for an hour walk and take the rest of the day rest. That evening labour started.
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