Heart constrictor - secondary meridian pathways

forum post

Heart constrictor - secondary meridian pathways

Published on 10-28-2018

"anon87428" has authored 13 other posts.

Hello there,

When it comes to the actual meaning of meridians I still feel like a beginner. Especially looking at the connections that the curious vessels make between the traditional lines. I have a question though about the pericardium meridian. Are there any known pathways in the book when it comes to this meridian, which go beyond the traditional views (from chest to finger)?

If I may share my own situation here: whenever I touch PC1 I feel some uncomfortable tingling/pain running from outside of my SI joint maybe 1 or 2 inch downwards. I’ve always wondered what this could mean and how I could resolve it, but in the last couple of years I’ve known this problem but I am still looking for a solution or clarification.

All I know is that Shizuto Masunaga has found a similar pathway, l see this link. But I wonder whether chinese or japanese acupuncture texts also mention this.

Kind regards,


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Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Oct 2018

I think the first place to start with a more detailed exploration of the meridians is within the muscle/sinew channels of each meridian. One of the best texts, in my opinion, for this exploration is .

An older text, but still one of my favorites, which also has good diagrams (less explanation) of the sinew channels is .

These somewhat, but not exclusively, also map closely to dermatomes as they are understood in western medicine. Also trigger point therapy also draws heavily on these relationships. So all of those charts give a deeper understanding of how things weave together.

In fact, (again in my opinion), the worst possible way to learn of the meridians (and the most common) is that they are a straight line along the meridian with points -on- that line. Instead of what is more true, is the line is just a path, but the points themselves are wells that connect deeply into broad arrays of fascia and internal networking which is a large reason why they have the effect they do.

I think you would see at least some connective tissues/dermatome relationships for your specific issues.

As for the zen shiatsu diagram you link to, those pathways are there because of the emphasis on the hara (or abdominal diagnosis) which in the hara diagnosis text above you will see a much deeper exploration of those ideas within the context of acupuncture. It is a highly recommended read.

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comment by "anon87428"
on Nov 2018

Thank you, this is helpful information. I’ve had the Hara diagnosis book for years but found it quite tough material to go through, but let’s see if I’m ready for it now.

Kind regards from Holland.

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comment by "anon87428"
on Apr 2019

Dear Yin Yang house,

I just noticed I’ve linked to another website in my previous message. I meant to link to the zen shiatsu meridian chart by Shizuto Masunaga (see attachment). The heart constrictor pathway he discovered seems to have a small channel around the sacrum area (the green line near the bladder channel).

I just felt the need to correct it, because I think it’s a very interesting chart.

[ image removed for copyright reasons - if you can link directly to the image rather than uploaded illegally distributed material that would be preferred ]

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