Heel burning after acupuncture

forum post

Heel burning after acupuncture

Published on 02-03-2013

"gulizar" - this is their first post.

I had acupuncture for tinnitus. I had a needle inserted on the side of my right foot (my left ankle bone) and that has started a strange occurrence. I felt a sharp pain under my heel. Its like burning..I almost thought that he was putting a needle in my heel..but he didint. The needle was only in the ankle.. but since then, every time I stretch my legs or pull my foot back, I get this shock-like pain. When I bend my ankle, as in to go up or down the stairs, I will feel a tingling (nearly like paresthesia) and then it feels as if it's stretching and pulling. It is close feeling to an electrical shock. I am so happy to find this forum, as I was stressing about this. I have it for almost 2-3 weeks now..everyday..Help me pls :(

This post has the following associations:

Acupoints: kd 3, kd 6

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "anon57843"
on Feb 2013

I&#39m sorry to hear your treatment seems to have caused this problem.

Firstly, how many acupuncture treatments have you had? Was this the only one you have had?

Secondly, who is doing your treatment? Is it a fully trained Licensed acupuncturist?

For something like tinnitus I think a patient would need frequent treatments in the early days, at least weekly. This is a condition that can take a while to respond and often needs aggressive treatment in the early stages to get good results. So, the fact you have gone a few weeks since your session leads me to believe you need to go for a follow up as soon as possible.

Even without that, you really need to contact your practitioner and tell them about this right away; they will be able to do something about it and perhaps explain what is going on. I would certainly see any patient of mine with your complaint as a matter of urgency.

Good luck, and I hope you get relief from both your complaints very soon.

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comment by "anon57843"
on Feb 2013

Yes, it sounds like you were treated on kidney, which may be appropriate for tinnitus. Without doing a clinical exam it&#39s hard to say what you, individually, need. But, this condition is connected with kidney energy.

The point I think was used runs very close to the Achilles tendon, and sometimes it is hard to be accurate without disturbing that tendon - maybe this is what has happened. It&#39s not a mistake, but you must understand that some points are very small and it&#39s hard to be totally accurate in locating them. It happens that occasionally even the best practitioner can cause irritation to nerves or tendons. But, a good practitioner will do all to reduce the effects of that close needling: they should see you in their clinic as soon as possible and treat whatever effect free of charge.

I would not be happy with your practitioners response. Perhaps you could find someone who is from your country and has trained in ways that your culture accommodates, instead. Take some time to seek out a properly qualified person, ask them where they trained and for how long (minimum 2000 hours according to the WHO). Just because someone is from China do not assume they are proficient in Chinese Medicine. A good practitioner will not mind you asking those questions.

I hope that helps you. I don&#39t think anything serious is wrong, and be assured this will probably heal itself in its own time. But, you need to have confidence in whoever is treating you and feel sure they will put your interests first.

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comment by "gulizar"
on Feb 2013

Firstly, how many acupuncture treatments have you had?

10 times now

Was this the only one you have had?


Secondly, who is doing your treatment?

Its a man from china

Is it a fully trained Licensed acupuncturist?

yes he is

I did contact my practitioner and did tell them about this right away but they tolf me that it couldnt be from the acupuncture. Because the acupuncture dont do this. But i sad that it was same minute..i thought that you had nail there.. He didnt lissen..he sad that its impossible.. :(

it had been almost 3weeks now and i have still burning feeling :(

What should i do?

i may should change to another clinic?

can i ask u a second quisteen? My english is bad im sorry. I heard from a friend who sad that his acupuncturist sad "when u do acupuncture you feel it very fast. If u dont feel difference after 2 times then is not right" is that true?

i did call another acupuncture clinic. I told her that im 35 years old (man) and the place i go top sad that my tinnitus is coming from my kidney. But she sad that im for young for it. Who should i believe? The new or the old cupuncturist?

Best regards

me :(

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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Feb 2013

That area (KD 3 or KD 6 - not sure from your description) with deep needling and/or heavy needling manipulation techniques could cause localized nerve/tendon damage. This is generally not permanent but can take a number of weeks to heal. This is almost unheard of in the west but some Chinese practitioners particularly use very invasive techniques and can cause localized damage to the area. Generally it heals over time and permanent damage would be a very rare occurence.

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comment by "anon59379"
on Feb 2013

Possible nerve irritation / damage could have occured, but it would heal by itself in few days. you may try doing a hot foot bath for 15 minutes(exactly) twice in a day for 1 week to promote the healing of damaged nerve/tendon.

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