To begin I would need to tell you my story, growing up I was fine until I was about 14, then I started experiencing digestive aliments, normally just extremely painful IBS, a few times when I was 16-17 I experienced massive abdominal pain and went to hospital (most painful part of my life). Doctors did their tests, looked at my guts / stomach. everything was okay.
It’s important to note that growing up I was going through a large amount of emotional trauma with family problems (broken home), problems would continue until I was 18.
I live in the Las Vegas valley, so I experience a large amount of dry heat with little moisture, its always 100 Fahrenheit days throughout the summer. I’ve worked a few part-time jobs ranging from cashier to food services, at the amount I’m just a student. I enjoy in my past-time: cycling, Tai chi, Qi gong, and martial arts.
I managed to stop the IBS pains by eating healthier. Growing up I ate nothing healthy, letting my stomach / spleen fall in energy. I had a lot of back pain growing up as well (though minor compared to the IBS problem), the pain would be located in the middle spine area, it stopped when I was about 18. Later on a year later at 19 I would discover I had some minor degree scoliosis.
I am a Caucasian male, 22 years old, 130 lbs, 5"10, no smoking, no drinking, and active.
Pale complexion of whole body with bluish / dark rings around eyes (bottom of eyes mainly), I am still palish even with a moderate amount of sun from cycling frequently.
Lips will be minorly chapped 30% of time.
Tongue has a light white coating, tongue itself is somewhat pale (especially on top with the coating), I have never had severe yellow coating on my tongue or jaundice.
As of today, I have little back pain and no IBS pains.
My problems today include:
-Intense splashy watery sound in abdomen from time to time, especially after drinking water (not even a lot of water), sound originates from under rib-cage near middle of body
(All of these particular symptoms have been going on for a year and a half now, but have slowly manifested to the state they are now from a course of time since I was 18 when the phlegm especially started.)
My diet is generally okay, I eat a lot of steamed vegetables including: cucumber, squash, lettuce, radish, celery, and the occasional chicken (I try not to eat any meat when I have gum bleed or bitter taste in mouth (stomach heat).
I will sometimes derive from that diet and eat junk food even though I know that I shouldn’t (very hard to stop the urge to do so).
I have tried three different acupuncturists, over 14 different times.
One of the doctors also sold a month supply of tea that I tried twice (for a total of two months), I didn’t find any help with his formula though.
When I was trying to tell him my problems, he was hard to communicate with and he seemed fixed on focused problems (phlegm).
First formula he gave me for phlegm
Second formula he gave me for digestion
Main question: What new formula would you prescribe to me? (I am semi-fluent in making the formulas), what acupuncture points and what diagnosis?
Thank you,
I know it is a hand full, but I believe its necessary if I’m trying to get the right kind of help.
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Aug 2016
So to start, when you say ----
I’ve been to several TCM doctors and have had many appointments of acupuncture but to no avail.
How long did you see each practitioner, and what frequency - both acupuncture and herbs or just one? Also, you can honestly say that —nothing— changed after a course of treatment? Remember you are not looking for miracles and complete instant resolution of your issues - but if nothing truly changed then your diagnosis is completely wrong in most cases.
Can you describe your diet and your levels and type of physical activity (including how much time you practice qi gong/tai chi and what types)?
As for your prescribing points and herbs for you, I’ll try to give you a general idea once you give me a little more info. That said, I strongly, strongly recommend against trying to treat yourself - it just won’t work and it’s not a good idea for a potential practitioner - you need to find someone who can actually help you so you’ll have someone to ideally intern with later. If you want to spend time and energy on your health, do it through diet, emotional control, and qigong/tai chi/meditation - not in thinking you have the skills to treat yourself with acupuncture and herbs.
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