Published on 03-11-2021
"Nidgma" is an acupuncturist who lives in Breezy Point - this is their first post.
I have a patient that has had nasal polyps for 34 years. He is now due for his sixth surgery and just does not want to go forward with it he wants to use alternative medicine of which I cannot find anything that helps. He uses inhaler every evening for his long-term asthma. Otherwise he is a very healthy guy. He has no gluten allergies he doesn’t do dairy no allergy to aspirin. In the last nine months he’s lost 22 pounds. His sinuses and nasal passages are totally occluded. Affecting his sleep and his eating as shown by the weight loss. I need all the prescribed points for nasal polyps he has a little relief from tightness for about a day that’s it. I have him on Xanthium and magnolia flower and ding chaun wan with no obvious improvement. Lung Qi deficiency and damp heat in upper burner.
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Mar 2021
There are a few posts on the forum already that discuss aspects how one might approach this - I would start here - Nasal Polyps and Allergies
After multiple surgeries it is hard due to changes in the tissue, etc. - it’s hard anyways, but harder after lots of surgeries. It may be that he will need this one last surgery and then you may be able to work regularly with him to avoid the 7th.
After reading some of the linked posts above, it would be most helpful if you wanted to discuss this further to include what you see as his diagnosis in Chinese Medicine terms - what exactly you have tried (acupuncture, herbs, etc.) with as much specificity as possible including treatment frequencies and durations. Then we may be able to fine tune the treatment approaches.
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comment by "efc-35"
on Dec 2022
I also had nasal problem for more than 8 - 9 years. Got also surgery in year 2014. A bunch of cartilages from my nose in surgery operation. Than after several years, I experienced a lot of time nasal blockage in only my left nostril. Over the time I found some solutions to open it;
1 : To lay down on mf right side. This usually immediatly opens nose. When stand up, after sometime, it closes again.
2. When I am hungry, I eat something, and nose opens.
3. When some part of my body feels cold, Lİke outside of arm, belly, lower back, butts etc. I warm these areas by touch them with my palms, and sometimes it helps to open.
Espacially in night time, while I am sleeping, it awfuly closes. I discovered max time is 3- 5 am and 5 - 7 am. Just metal element, lung and large intestine active times... And This wakes me up from my sleep also.. I also go to toilet too much in day time, also while sleeping.
Sometimes, in thisi wake ups during sleep, Even though I lay to my right side, still they may not open.. Then I try to catch the sensetaions from my body. And I usually realize that some of my leg is hotter than other.. Espacially, inner side of my legs are I feel cold... Then I warm these places, inner side of my one leg, and espacially knees inner side, and sartorius muscle inner side, I touch with my palm and warm it, than after a while , my nose opens again.
When I was 7 - 8 year old, I was diagnossed bronchial asthma, I used sprays for a while, than it finished.
My father also was diagnossed by lung cancer, and he died in his 50. ( I am 35 year old now)
My father also had nasal problems during all his life. He was not able to breathe with one nostril as far as I remember. He also got some surgery several times, but his nasal blockage recurred. And he also had large intestine constipation during all his life.. He was also worked in metal industry during all his life, (metal, iron, stel fabrication.) I am also working in metal, steel, iron industry for more than 17 years...
All these large intestine, lung - metal relationship is showing me that we have father and son problems with our metal element I think. Nasal problems, large intestine, lung cancer - our working in metal industry...
And I tried to check accupuncture solutions, and found this link yesterday about nasal polyps;
Yin Yang House | Nasal Polyps Health Issues/Symptoms Connections
Than, I applied, LI 19, LI 20, UB 3 and UB4 , UB7 (and before UB8, UB9 , UB 6 , since in notes they written nasal congestion etc..) I did this yesterday at 16.30 - 17.00 times.. Then incredibly, I feelt an incredible relaxing and releases in my left sinuses and nasal channels.. (I applied LI 19 and LI 20 to my right cheeck only, and UB 3 4 6 7 8 9 to my left head side only.. - because only in these sides, I felt relax on my left nostril.)
After many years, I felt an incredible release in my left nostril. AFter a couple of minutes, a mucus discharge occured from my left nostril... That was incredible. I had never felt so relaxed in my left nostril.. I touht this has been solved.
But thwn I slept, Again at 03.00 - 05.00 I woke up again with completely closed left nostril..
And within today, I felt an very incredible high level of headaches and a big big fatigue until 16.00 o'clock..
I had applied home made accupuncture with wood sticks for meat with sharp side.. Maybe I sticked them a little deeper to my head skin. I am not very sure.. But as long as I feel relaxing, I kept wood sticks more..
So I didn't accupuncture today these points. And I'm trying to understand the root cause of this. If a kidney qi defficiency, or lung wind cold or what?
I remember, One night I had felt that I wasn't able to breathe enough and we had gone to hospital. After Dr. checked, He had said it's psychologica, He told me I do not have any breathing issue..
I am also feeling lower back aches, espacially in my right hand side.. Sholder pain, Neck stiffness..
Also for last 4 years, I had serious problems about digestion, I was vomiting too much etc, (bunt my eating habits was so bad, with unhealty street foods, no vegitables etc..) Than last 6 months, I am visiting a dietitian, I increased vegetables and my digestion problems almost % 100 gone..
I don't know what to do with my blocked nose.. .. I attach my chop stick, (that I used in home for accupuncture. 2014 year surgery operation removed parts from my nose..)
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