Hives during cycle

forum post

Hives during cycle

Published on 04-12-2016

"anon117561" - this is their first post.

I have been getting hives/ welts for about a year now. Didn’t think much of it until recently when I noticed that it was getting worse and lasting longer. It seems to start during ovulation then stop and come back 8-7 days before my period on and off ( soy seems to make it worse) then stop few day after period is over… This has not been too consistent as this is the first time that this has occurred early during cycle/ ovulation. I have been trying to get pregnant over a year. Before that I had several m/s and 2 late rem ( 21 week m/c). I’m so frustrated and can’t get halo from anyone. Could I be allergic to my own hormone? Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis? Are my hormones not balanced? I was taking benedryle a lot almost every night whe I first noticed the welts… Could this have caused it? Too much estrogen in my body? My period are 28-31 days normal. I read the progesterone cream after ovulation until period can help desensitize my allergy? I think this could also be the cause of me not getting pregnant and the m/c.

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Apr 2016

Before I get into a lengthier discussion, have you tried acupuncture and/or Chinese herbal medicine yet? If not, that’s where I would start. Count on 3-5 months of treatment, but the issues should be relatively straightforward to resolve for someone who has the benefit of physically diagnosing you and properly treating you.

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comment by "anon117561"
on Apr 2016

Yes I’m currently seeing a acupuncturist and on Chinese medicine.

Pamela Pence

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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Apr 2016

For how long, what formula(s) are you on and what type of response have you had - what has improved, what hasn’t? What would you like us to comment on?

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