Published on 01-16-2017
"anon4745" - this is their first post.
Help My toes and my left hand finger nails are
Itchy,red and hot under and below my toenails only at night.
Could it be my kidneys?
comment by "StephenS" (acupuncturist)
on Jan 2017
For itchy/hot nails I would first rule out any kind of infection and then try to rule out any topical/cleaning/beauty products that might be causing the irritation. Are there any ridges or marks on the nails? Do you have normal color or do they appear darker or lighter than usual? Any tingling or itching in the finger tips or toes? How long has this been going on for?
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comment by "anon4745"
on Jan 2017
No ridges or marks on the nails. And the color is normal. But I do have tingling in the finger tips. And this has been going on for about 2 weeks.
Thank you for your reply
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comment by "StephenS" (acupuncturist)
on Jan 2017
There are several possibilities for heat and tingling. Poor posture is a common cause as over time the natural curvature of the spine can be thrown off which in turn can put pressure on the nerves, which in turn results in tingling and heat. If the heat and tingling are only occurring after you have been in the same position for a while at night this is probably the most likely scenario. And the neck and lower back are the most common areas affected by poor posture.
Do you have any other symptoms?
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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Jan 2017
What makes you think it could be your “kidneys”?
Are you diabetic? Did you recently have your nails done (i.e. manicure and/or pedicure?), or use gel nails? Anything else change recently in soaps, cosmetics, etc.?
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