Liu wei huang wan caused spleen/stomach issue

forum post

Liu wei huang wan caused spleen/stomach issue

Published on 11-27-2019

"anon176466" has authored 12 other posts.

I took Lui wei huang wan to help some hot flashes and I wasn’t aware that I had a very weak spleen. I ended up with stomach issues that I have never experienced. After just a few doses of 15 LWHW pills, I ended up with a constant feeling of acid reflux/gas or the foods I eat would just sit in my stomach making it feel full and undigested. Worst is when I lie down to sleep and the fullness moves upward. I stopped LWHW after that. Is there anything I can do naturally to reverse this effect? I drank some ginger tea but it made me constipated and now I am consuming curry for dinner to get some warmth and digesting power back into my stomach.

This post has the following associations:

Issues/Symptoms: hot flashes

Patterns: kidney yin deficiency, liver yin deficiency

Formulas: liu wei di huang wan

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Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Nov 2019

If you’ve never had any stomach issues before, it is extremely unlikely that that small of an amount of any herbal formula would create that so first I would suspect the stomach issues were related to something you ate or a bacterial infection of some kind. That said, you shouldn’t choose any formula based on your symptoms (i.e. “I took liu wei di huang wan for some hot flashes”). Hot flashes may arise from any number of underlying causes and liu wei di huang wan is a formula for liver yin and kidney yin deficiency primarily. So if you have kidney yin deficiency it is likely that the formula would be helpful, if not, it could temporarily disrupt your digestion as well as create other short term problems. Along those lines if you do in fact have kidney yin deficiency the very last thing you should be doing is eating spicy foods and “warming” your “digesting power” - you should be nurturing your yin which is damaged by spicy foods. So, as with all uses of Chinese Medicine, you need to start with a very clear diagnosis (see “treating the cause vs. the symptoms” for more).

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comment by "anon176466"
on Nov 2019

Thank you! Your guidance has really put my worries at ease. To know the after effects is possibly temporary is enough to quell my anxieties that I may have caused long term damage. Just to elaborate on my original post, my stomach was not working properly before I took the lui wei huang wan and I just ignored it. To me, I thought it was normal for my body. I had a problem with not having enough enzymes and was also not digesting my food properly, but it was never to this extent where it feels like I have a balloon of gas in my stomach after I eat and that now some food or bile can travel upwards in my sleep. This is only post lui wei huang wan. So I was perplexed when the liu wei huang wan would help dampen the medication induced hot flashes but simultaneously dampening the digestion power in stomach. Making it so I lose the hot flashes but gain a new issue in another area. In my mind, I thought it would target the liver and kidneys only. I understand I need herbs that work in harmony with each other. I will make an appointment with my herbalist if this doesn’t resolve on it’s own.

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