Multiple Sclerosis Customer Daily Session Deal

forum post

Multiple Sclerosis Customer Daily Session Deal

Published on 05-25-2011

"feax" has authored 6 other posts.

I am going to treat a customer with multiple sclerosis on an everyday basis for minimum 1 month. Should I make pay per session or pay per month deal with discount? What are your criteria? How often do you usually treat a multiple sclerosis to be effective?


Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on May 2011

This doesn&#39t really answer your question, but I&#39m curious why you feel the need to treat daily? We treat MS fairly regularly and never treat more than once a week. These autoimmune conditions take months to regulate due to the systemic nature of their effects on hormones, etc. and in my experience too frequent treatment, while probably not harmful, is completely unnecessary. For me it would be far better to see someone weekly over 3-5 months than the same total number of treatments in a shorter time span.

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comment by "BettyLew"
on May 2011

I would agree with Chad. Daily seems much especially since MS is not so easily corrected. The frequency often depends on how chronic the problem is and how severe. I have found that offering a "package" for treatments helps with long term commitment and compliance. Good luck!

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comment by "feax"
on May 2011

I have noticed that chronic health conditions not change easily. Is like peeling of the many layers of an onion trying to get into the problem. Also many people think that acupunctunre and tuina massage is like visiting once their western doctor then dont have go visit again.

I have noticed also that the body can deal with the most superficial problem every time. So I try do little and give as specific instructions to body as possible.

I ve got a case that has a thyroid problem. After 3 months i spent a lot of my time working on problems that pop up like back pain, headache. I am waiting for the time that body will not have any syptom so that I can concetrate working the thyroid.

There are also some profesional domestic particularities here in Greece about TCM that we can discuss in the future.

Anyway my MS customer is doing already physiotherapy and what else his western doctor suggested. Many customers dont know what is TCM so I think of giving this MS customer 1 month special package to try it. I am planning to work intesively at first cause I want the customer feel like being in a clinic. I will do this also as an expirement. I will combine the use of TCM, NLP, EFT, Tong Ren, music therapy.

I have created a questionaire to get data, make diagnosis, create strategy, but is still too simple. Would you like to send you by email my questionaire to tell me your opinion?


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comment by "anon44442"
on Aug 2011

Hi there,

I was wondering how you are getting along with the treatments? I myself have a couple of MS-patients and treat them once every 2 or 3 weeks. So I would like to know what the effects are when you are treating them more frequently in a short period.

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