Nerve deafness/acupuncture

forum post

Nerve deafness/acupuncture

Published on 04-06-2010

"ChinChunPie" - this is their first post.

I am interested in finding out whether anyone knows or has had any experiences with acupuncture and nerve deafness? I have been deaf since I was 5 and was told it was due to the mumps. . . . .

This post has the following associations:

Issues/Symptoms: deafness (hearing loss)

Acupoints: th 16

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "Beny_Lotringer"
on Apr 2010


I had little experience sometime ago with an adolescent who was born deaf apparently, and suggested to try and treat this ailment. I used point DU15 as main point, using a 1.5 cun/25mm needle, introducing it for at least 1.5cm deep, totally horizontally, tonifying it, when the patient had de DeQI feeling and was startled...also heard something! However, this was veruy strange for him, and he asked that the treatment be stopped...mainly being unable to cop with the feeling the acupuncture produced. Maybe this might help in your treatment.



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comment by "ali4u"
on Apr 2010

Dear Sir,

im hav been also deaf since 21 years. in my childhood during illness doctor take me an injection named LARIAGO (Quinine) and result is my deafness.

can any expt tell me about Accupressure/Accupuncture Points, and also can u please tell me that is this curable?

im also wants to learning Accupuncture, im from india can any body tell me from where i can?

Thanx & Regards,


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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Apr 2010

If you click on the "deafness (hearing loss)" that was created below your posting you will be taken to our treatment page for that condition. I just added our tam healing system treatment protocol for deafness (near the bottom on the right side) that has points applicable to acupressure and/or acupuncture as well as other methods such as tong ren therapy (a form of medical qi gong). Certainly the point TH 16 is mentioned an empirical point for deafness and a sky window point which will improve the circulation in the area. Tuina/massage at the point is important.

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