Is there any acupuncture treatment to cure the “Neuro Muscular Distrophy”? It was started to a boy 7 years back while he studying 2nd standard.
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Mar 2019
For conditions of this level of seriousness they need to see a practitioner and treatment needs to be heavily tailored to them as an individual. A previous reply of mine to a related question should be useful:
So, first, there are no patterns per any condition even though that is how it is presented in text books and even on our site. There are only patterns - plain and simple. Treat the pattern and don’t worry about the western condition and you will get much further. You can help any condition with acupuncture, even if in marginal ways, most often, however, in broad and systemic ways when properly applied. That said, the pattern diagnosis system does have weaknesses (my opinion) particularly in …top Login/Comment
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