Protocol in Qi Gong

forum post

Protocol in Qi Gong

Published on 08-07-2016

"anon63909" - this is their first post.

What protocol in medical qi gong should I use to stimulate chi flow through the 12 meridians?
Thanks for any help you can give me.

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "StephenS" (acupuncturist)
on Aug 2016

There are dozens, maybe even hundreds of styles and protocols of medical qi gong. Irregardless of the style medical qi gong is NOT something you should practice without formal training. You truly need to work with an experienced teacher to make sure you don’t accidentally cause a negative disruption of the qi flow. Now if you’re just interested generally in qi gong (medical qi gong is distinctly different) that is something that is safer and easier to practice by yourself. I’d still recommend taking a few classes for instruction first though. You could watch Chad’s qi gong class for free here.

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