Recenter Miscarriage

forum post

Recenter Miscarriage

Published on 02-15-2016

"Joanna" - this is their first post.

I’m 45yo and had lossed my pregnancy at 6w+5d at the end of January. That’s a Donor Egg IVF treament with a good quality embryo transfer at day 5. It’s a natural lost after I stopped all the meds (Estrace and progesterone injection) by the RE’s instruction. FYI: The baby sac discharged after one day spot and a lot of asbdomen cramps, then no more bleeding. My period are still not comeback since then.
My heart are broken because I had tried since 35yo and failed several IUIs and 5IVFs : BFN or Bio-chemical . And this is the first BFP and miscarriaged at 6w+.
I am diagnosed with left ovarian cyst (4-5cm, this cyst stayed around 7-8 years already) and endometriosis, small anterior intramural myoma fibroid.
I read that Shao Fu ZhuYu wan is cleaning stagnant blood. I would like to order this pill from your clinic online BUT I wonder if you could advise me if this pill is correct for my current situation and infertility diagnosed ?
If not, what is the correct herbal I should take, and how long ?
Thank you and waiting for your response.
FYI: my lips were very dry since I pregnant (before lost) even I hydrated with more than 3L water each day. And now my lips still dry but no crashing like before .

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Feb 2016

I’ll give a lengthier answer as time permits, but you would be best served by seeing an acupuncturist who also practices Chinese herbal medicine locally in your area with issues like this. I’ve treated many similar cases and things worked out well - one case of 3 failed IUI’s, 6 failed IVF’s and then 9 months later pregnant naturally with acupuncture, another with 6 miscarriages in a row with increasingly difficult time conceiving, 5 months later pregnant and carried to term with no issue. Both were older. There are many others, but those are some of the more extreme.

Herbs alone are not, in my opinion, going to be that effective. And getting diagnosed over the internet, is not the best either. Even with a good initial diagnosis, you still have to be monitored and adjust your herbs and treatment protocols.

There is quite a bit that goes into proper diagnosis and treatment is really a constantly moving target as your body changes. You need to be under frequent guidance by a practitioner for these issues. You would be looking at 3 - 15 months with issues of this nature.

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comment by "Joanna"
on Feb 2016

Hi Mr. Dupuis,
I have treament if many acupuncture sections but all the other IVF but it failed.I don’t know who is the proper infertility acupuncturist in my area, if you have any references please kindly give me the address and her/his name. I want to have the herbs that cleaning and rejuvenate my blood circulation also. After that I will redo IVF with donor egg or donor embryo.
Thank you so much for your kind response.Joanna

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