Reference textbooks

forum post

Reference textbooks

Published on 03-14-2015

"NewbieAcuPrac" - this is their first post.

Hi all. Im a Jr biology major and im interested in becoming a practicing acupuncturist. I would like any advice anyone can give on the path to becoming a professional. Also I would like to know if anyone can recommend any reference/ textbooks that i could keep around for the learning process as well as for the rest of my practice.

Thanks for any and all help,

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Mar 2015

The recommended texts that we have are . Of these listed, the main ones to start with would be “” and either “” or “”. After that more technical books such as “” and the “” would be a good place to continue.

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comment by "StephenS" (acupuncturist)
on Mar 2015

I would highly suggest contacting some local acupuncturists to see if they would be willing to talk to you and/or allow you to shadow them for a shift or something along those lines. In my own case I was lucky in that one of my fellow PhD students was also an acupuncturist. He was willing to let me come to his office, talked to me about acupuncture as a career and even gave me a treatment so I could see what it was like. That experience solidified my realization that acupuncture was exactly what I wanted to do.

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