Risk of Hep C cross infection

forum post

Risk of Hep C cross infection

Published on 08-24-2007

"EllieV" - this is their first post.

It's a known fact that approximately 50% of injecting drug users are HepC positive and that Hep C is a remarkably resilient virus. I have not been able to source an anti bacterial/viral solution which will kill it in infected blood traces.

How do I marry this fact with the practice of giving 5 point auricular acupuncture, followed by the application with a stainless steel probe, of gold or silver plated magnetic pellets onto the same points? Usually there is no blood visible, but the skin has been broken and microscopic blood traces may be present. On rare occasions the acupuncture points bleed and are cleaned before applying pellets. The probe is always cleaned with disposable medicated wipes between each client application, yet there would appear to be a risk of carrying Hep C from an infected client to the next person in line. These wipes claim to destroy HIV but there is no mention of their efficacy with Hep C.

The safe options seem to be either disposable plastic or wooden probes/applicators (supply unsourced as yet), or a disposable sleeve for the probe. Does anyone have any ideas? Also, why haven't I read or heard anything at all about this risk? Everyone says that we have to work with what we have. I've been practising 5 point acudetox, followed by pellets, with substance misusing clients for over 2 years. For the past few days, since I faced up to this risk, I have given EITHER acupuncture or acupressure and until I have found a solution, will no longer give both.

If you have something to say about this, I'd love to hear from you.

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Aug 2007

There is absolutely no reason to stop giving acupuncture or even more certainly acupressure based on your issues. Needling and pressing of points have nothing to do with the cross-contamination possibilities of other medical instruments. The needles are sterile and single-use and there is no chance of cross-contamination so long as you are following clean needle techniques as required by law. With regards to the probe, this should be autoclaved - wiping it clean is not sanitary and will not prevent infection. So you either need as many probes as you have patients or you need to find some sort of disposable alternative (the opposite end of a needle would probably work well). Most studies of the NADA protocol do not involve the use of pellets between treatments, so just focusing on the needling should be sufficient to obtain clinical results based on past research.

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comment by "EllieV"
on Aug 2007

Thanks Chad, your response confirms my concerns about needling and then applying pellets without a fresh disposable probe for each client. I shall continue to look for an appropriate disposable probe and shall contact this site when I've sourced a good cheap one.
I know 5 point acudetox is beneficial to the majority of clients, we have many testimonials to that fact and I am committed to continuing to practice and learn more points and techniques.

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comment by "jambotruong"
on Nov 2009


I have been helping Hep C & HIV patients with a range of treatrments that will help them fight through inteferon treatment.

I agree that the opposite end of a clean needle is the best intrument in terms of less disposal items and reducing cross infection.

Remember that it is blood to blood contact that is the predominant cross infector, however, studies have show that it would need to be more than a single drop of blood. Examples are cross contamintation via sex.

Please get in touch if there is anything else I can help with. I am involved with coducting studies related to CAM and Hep C so even this discusiion is relevant to our research.


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