Steps to proceed with your healing program offerings as a newcomer

forum post

Steps to proceed with your healing program offerings as a newcomer

Published on 01-24-2016

"cilantro" - this is their first post.

What is the best way to proceed with your healing programs? Looking at the website, it looks like there are numerous formats for healing (There are live healing broadcasts, group phone sessions, individual sessions as well as in person face to face groups, etc) – and I’m confused about what to do, as a person with an illness that needs healing. .

Also, I’m wondering if its more beneficial to attend an in person program. I live in Colorado, so I’m not able to attend an in person program right away. What is the difference in what I’d receive? Do you learn to do the self healing practices on line also??

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Jan 2016

General information about our live class can be found on this page, all of the others around the world that are broadcast can be seen as tongrenstation.

At the bottom of that page there are a links to information we recommend, and I recommend you read those, specifically (1) - how to learn tong ren, (2) common questions and answers about tong ren, (3) an overview of tong ren.

Distance makes no difference whatsoever in the potential for healing. There is a physical class listed in Colorado - in littleton.

As for learning the system, you will learn the general concepts just from participation, but at some point if you are interested the material referenced above and/or some of Tom’s books would take you further. Additionally, at least a few times a year Tom offers training seminars online and in person. These are by no means required, but they are often valuable.

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comment by "cilantro"
on Jan 2016

Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate it. I have
another quick question. The ‘live class’ page said there is a
Tuesday class at 6 pm EST. Under broadcasts (on another
page) there is a list for other classes every day of the week. Is
there a difference between those classes and the Tuesday class? Is
it best to start with the Tuesday class?

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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Jan 2016

There are many classes, ours are led by me, smaller and generally with more discussion/training because we have the time to spend on it, some of the others are very large and led by Tom which is interesting to watch and you see a very wide range of conditions and many people writing in for healing, others are led by any number of other tong ren therapists and vary in size and how they conduct the classes. For the most part it really doesn’t matter what classes you attend, it’s really the consistency that matters. So, really whichever time works for you that you can be consistent with for a little while would be best.

As an aside, not that tong ren isn’t a very capable healing system, but many people really have a tendency to overthink it. Just attend some of the classes, observe, participate, read a little bit and trust that your body has the potential to heal. What will happen from that will happen. Just don’t overthink it, or worry too much about the format - it’s far more important to simply participate in the process.

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comment by "cilantro"
on Jan 2016

Thanks for your response. Being in a smaller class with more
discussion sounds good. Being new to this, I wasn’t aware there was
more than one organization that offers the classes. Is the Tuesday class
the only one f your classes in which you offer the “Tong Ren
healing”? And are the times listed under
“broadcasts” on the tongrenstation link ‘live’ classes or
recordings of a class?

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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Jan 2016

Yes, the only tongren class I offer each week is the Tuesday night class. The tongrenstation site is live when they are live and then there are rebroadcasts of many of the classes available as well, just as ours are recorded and can be watched anytime after the class.

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comment by "cilantro"
on Jan 2016


I went online to participate in your Tuesday class today. I went to
the site and pressed the play button and waited until 6:30 pm EST but the
class never came on. I’m wondering I made a technical error or if
the class didn’t take place today.

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