The difference between Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan and Gui Zhi Fu Ling tang

forum post

The difference between Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan and Gui Zhi Fu Ling tang

Published on 07-09-2015

"anon184584" has authored 2 other posts.

Hi, everyone Im new member of this community, I Learn Traditional Chinese medicine at unformal couse at here, Indonesia. So I have to googling and learn from online TCM free source.
Im looking for formula that can help dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, ovarian cysts problem and I found that Gui Zhi Fu Ling formula can used to treat it. but i confuse which one that I used between Gui Zhi Fu Ling wan and Gui Zhi Fu Ling tang formula.
I need more explanation the difference betwen that formulas.
Thank You very much for help me.

This post has the following associations:

Formulas: gui zhi fu ling wan

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Jul 2015

They would be the same thing, possibly in a different format. Generally wan = pills, pian = tablets, tang = tea. So the last part is speaking of the format - wan being the common small ball pills in prepared formulas sold in bottles, tang being the raw herbs in a tea, or possible from granules. What makes this slightly more complicated is wan and tang can also in a way just mean formula. So on our herbal formulas page for Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan, we use wan as a general indicator, but it’s just the formula page which could be prepared in pian, tang, wan depending on the practitioner.

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comment by "anon184584"
on Jul 2015


an and tan

Thank you for the information, Its realy help me

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comment by "anon177722"
on Jul 2015

A classical formula such as Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan may be prescribed in various format depending on variables such as availability, client compliance, clinic stock etc. Having had the opportunity to observe the difference between prescribing this formula as a granule and as a honey pill (created by classical methods, not the small back pearl etc versions), I would say that there is a difference in effectiveness. Formulas were originally designed in a particular way intentionally, in this case the slow release of a pill form when it is prescribed as one to three pills per day creates an ongoing effect that difference from decoction, granules etc.

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comment by "mcfly"
on Sep 2015

I see in the TCM Clinic Aid app, on the very bottom of the Gui zhi Fu ling Wan entry it says:
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang used to cause miscarriage.
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan used to aid fetus.

There is no entry to Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang in the app so I can't compare them.


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