Tingling on a tongue

forum post

Tingling on a tongue

Published on 07-07-2013

"astine" has authored 3 other posts.

It has been 4 days now that I have a weird tingeling sensation on the tip of my tongue. I had been diagnosed with a helicobacter for about 4 months ago and was taking a very small dosage of antibiotics. I am done with the treatment and not taking any medication currently (this info provided only if it is necessary for your answer). I tried to research as to what can be the cause of the tingling, but could not find any answers. I do not have any other condition. Thank you in advance

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Jul 2013

Generally this would be disruption to the digestion system of some kind, most likely due to the antibiotics. I would take some probiotics for a few weeks and see if it goes away. I would expect this to self resolve given time.

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