Tong Ren Therapy for the Flu

forum post

Tong Ren Therapy for the Flu

Published on 08-08-2008

"randoru" - this is their first post.

Could you please give the Tong Ren Accupuncture sequence for the flu. Thanks

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Aug 2008

The flu can be slightly different depending on the overriding symptoms, but it will be a mix between the common cold treatments and more viral based treatments such as hepatitis. The protocol is on the Tong Ren Therapy for Flu page.

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comment by "randoru"
on Aug 2008


Thank you very much Chad for the detailed information you gave on the Flu. I had good success with the information from the Lazy Bum book but I am sure that everything would have gone better and faster with the information you provided, such as what to access for viral infections. (I am a beginner, learning as fast as I can.) I used "bronchitis" for a two-month lingering cough from the flu. It worked beautifully but I was only guessing.

Do you have a list of other illnesses with such detailed infomation. I would really appreciate it if you do. With gratitude, randoru

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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Aug 2008

There is a list that I've started as part of the Conditions Treated section. The page you will want is "Conditions Treated with Tong Ren Therapy".

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