Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition in which the trigeminal nerve, a nerve that goes from the brain to the face, is affected. In most cases, the nerve is pinched or compressed and causes a shooting facial pain, or even unexplainable sensations in the face in some patients. It often affects only one…
Seasonal allergies affect many people every day and may impact their lives profoundly, from itchy eyes to sneezing, stuffy nose, to swelling of the face and throat in extreme cases. Many people that I know, relatives and friends, are under medical treatment for seasonal allergies and have been tak…
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are often used for a wide range of immune based conditions including allergies, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. The goal of treatment within Chinese Medicine is not just symptomatic relief but resolution of the causal conditions leading to these issues. Th…
Similar to other western conditions, Chinese Medicine does not use western terminology such as a “cold” or the “flu” in formulating proper treatments. Colds and flus are merely western names which describe an array of symptoms with some common underlying factors and symptoms. Chinese Medicine, on…
Well, it's that time again. The pollen streams are flowing, and so are your sinuses. As is the case with many acupuncturists, we see a great number of people for seasonal and year round allergies in our clinic. In fact, along with conditions such as pain, anxiety & depression, headaches & …
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