TCM Acupuncture Theory - Command Points

Acupuncture Points Theory

Traditional Chinese Medicine utilizes a number of theories which group acupuncture points together based on their functions and/or other relationships. Many of these theories are important in a clinical setting and are used, along with other theory and diagnostic information, to decide which acupuncture points will be used for a given condition.

Below you find information regarding the command points. See our Acupuncture Point Categories section for a complete list of point categories.

For complete information about a single point, click on it within the chart.

Command Points Theory and Applications

  • Their are currently 6 commonly accepted command points used within TCM. Some texts only contain four command points as PC 6 and GV 26 were added after the original four.
  • The Command Points are individual points that have strong and broad effects on their related part of the body. They are used to treat any imbalance in their designated areas from any etiology (hot, cold, excess, deficiency) at any stage (i.e. chronic or acute).

Command Points Chart
Abdomen ST 36
Lumbar Region UB 40
Head & Posterior Neck LU 7
Face & Mouth LI 4
Heart, Chest & Epigastrium PC 6
Fainting & Collapse GV 26

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