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Flu Is Referenced In 7 Blog Posts

The coronavirus is currently appearing in the US and has spread well throughout large parts of the world. As time has passed since the first cases in China, we are starting to see the viability and effectiveness of a variety of western and eastern treatment options. As with many diseases and imbala…

Xiao Chai Hu Tang is one of the most important formulas within the extensive offerings of Chinese herbal medicine.  As with many Chinese herbal medicine formulas it offers benefit for a broad range of issues when it is properly used according to the correct underlying diagnosis (see "how to choose …

One of the most common questions we get is what Chinese herbal formula is used to treat "insert any condition/symptom/western diagnosis".  There is a common assumption that herbal formulas are chosen and then used in the same way Western pharmaceuticals are.  That is largely misleading.  Herbal fo…

Fever in children accounts for roughly one-third of all visits to a pediatrician or other health care provider. The fever, of course, is not the issue itself but a symptom that the immune system is fighting something off and the fever is an aid for these functions. Generally in children the fever w…

Similar to other western conditions, Chinese Medicine does not use western terminology such as a “cold” or the “flu” in formulating proper treatments.  Colds and flus are merely western names which describe an array of symptoms with some common underlying factors and symptoms.  Chinese Medicine, on…

This is the fifth and final edition in my general introductory series to the five main organ systems (5 elements) in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). As we are heading into fall we are entering into the Lung phase of our body's seasonal cycle. Similar to previous articles on the Liver, Kidney…

A study published in the recent Psychological Science journal explored the changes within our immunity which happen just from looking at people who are sick.   The study took healthy volunteers and had them watch slides of people who were sneezing, etc. - people with basic cold/flu signs.  They fou…

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