Memory Problems

Health Issues/Symptoms Connections

"Memory Problems" Issue / Symptom Connections

Below you will find various relationships to, and potential clinical treatment approaches for memory problems.

It is critical to appreciate that in Chinese Medicine, treatment for "memory problems" is rarely focused on the symptoms exclusively. Alternatively, a practitioner is looking at the factors that led to the development of "memory problems" - i.e. the "cause(s)".

For non-practitioners, we recommend reading treating the "cause" and not the "symptoms" for more on the overall approach and the importance of the TCM diagnostic system in formulating treatment approaches.

Some acupuncture points are considered "empirically" related to a specific condition or diagnostic pattern. While this would rarely, if ever, dictate the entire composition of a treatment, the following point should be considered, possibly even more so within the context of acupressure:

  • View UB 15 (Heart Shu)

        1.5 cun lateral to GV 11, level with T5.

        Main point for all heart related issues from a TCM perspective, blood and circulatory related issues of an excess or deficient nature. Nourishes the spirit and calms the shen - main point for all heart related emotional issues: palpitatio…

The Tom Tam/Tong Ren Therapy system can be applied via energy healing/medical qi gong methods as well as an acupuncture component. The acupuncture aspect is generally utilized in combination with more standard TCM diagnostic approaches.

For the specific points/areas that would generally be utilized in someone experiencing "memory problems", please read "Tam Healing and Tong Ren Therapy for Memory Problems ".

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