Sounds (Listening) and Odors (Smelling) in TCM Acupuncture Theory

TCM Theory

Sounds (Listening) and Odors (Smelling) in TCM Acupuncture Theory

Listening to a persons voice and noticing any particular body odors that they may have are a basic part of the "Four Examinations" in Chinese medicine. Along with the more precise diagnostic tools such as pulse and tongue diagnosis, listening and smelling provide valuable input to form an appropriate TCM diagnosis.

While used more as a casual observation by most TCM practitioners, listening and smelling form an integral part of the Classical Five Element color, sound, odor and emotion (CSOE) method of diagnosis.

Listening Diagnosis - Voice and Breath



sudden loss of voice wind heat
gradual loss of voice lu qi or yin def
loud excess
soft deficiency
reluctance to speak cold or def
excessive speaking heat or excess

5 Element Qualities

element - meridian

shouting wood - lv
laughing fire - ht
singsong earth - sp
crying metal - lu
groaning water - kd

Smelling Diagnosis - Body Odors



strong scent heat
bad breath st heat a/or food stagnation
strong smelling stools heat and dampness
strong smelling urine heat and dampness

5 Element Qualities

element - meridian

rancid wood - lv
burnt fire - ht
sweet earth - sp
rank metal - lu
putrid water - kd

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