Japanese Moxibustion Techniques - Thread Moxa for Indurations (Okyu for Kori)

Japanese Theory

Japanese Moxibustion Techniques - Thread Moxa for Indurations (Okyu for Kori)

Indurations (Kori in Japanese) are blockages of Qi and/or blood which show up as lumps or masses within the body. This collection of energy indicates stagnation in the energetic flow along the course of a meridian and/or an internal organ issue. These blockages can be treated with thread moxa or "Okyu" Moxibustion techniques as used within Japanese Acupuncture theory. The information presented below discusses basic theory behind the technique, guidelines for applying the technique and examples of clinical use. Some of the techniques listed here require significant amounts of training to be performed correctly and should only be performed by practitioners who have been trained properly.

  • Types of Indurations and their treatment (tx from Sodo Okabe):
  • General Information:
  • The indurations may appear in varying sizes and consistencies, but they should feel moveable if they are suitable for treatment (see precautions below).
  • They may be treated with both acupuncture and moxibustion or just moxibustion. Moxibustion first, followed by needling may offer the best results.
  • Treatment success ranges from a shrinking of the induration, to temperature changes in the area, to resolution of an internal organ disharmony.
  • General Needling Techniques:
  • Using #0 or #1 needles, needle underneath the scar or induration, retain approximately 60 seconds.
  • Needle using the turtle technique in which you visualize the induration as a turtle and needle the head, 2 arms, 2 legs and tail, retain approximately 60 seconds.
  • Spongy Type:
  • Best prognosis, can be removed within the first few treatments.
  • Feel around the induration and find the edges that are least defined (this is the most deficient part).
  • Perform 3 Okyu at each of the weakest points as well as on the center of the induration itself.
  • With appropriate treatment the edges should become softer.
  • Rubber Cement Type:
  • Can be difficult to remove, may take upwards of 6 or more treatments.
  • Perform 5 Okyu at each of the weakest points as well as on the center of the induration itself.
  • Wait 5 minutes and if induration remains unchanged you may repeat above step.
  • Eraser Type:
  • Many times this indicates a chronic condition and can be difficult to remove requiring upwards of 30 or more treatments.
  • Perform 7 Okyu on each of the weakest edges as well as on the center of the induration itself.
  • Precautions and Contraindications:
  • The indurations you feel should be moveable, if the induration feels fixed and cannot be moved at all, recommend the patient sees his/her physician.
  • If the induration grows in size after treating it, recommend the patient sees his/her physician.
  • Other Treatment Methods:
  • Manaka's Burn Treatment may be useful. Attach the foil and black clip over the area and the red clip on a distal point, leave for 50 minutes.
  • Takahashi Pinching Technique:
  • Palpate a person around the area where they are experiencing pain, find an induration where it is most painful and mark it.
  • Put your medium down (water, burn cream, etc.), pinch the skin and place and burn the moxa on the high point of the pinched area.
  • Palpate to see if pain is lessened, repeat as many times as necessary to achieve resolution of the pain - usually 5x or 7x.
  • Dr. Shimetaro Hari's Moxa Technique (a full body treatment):
  • He felt that 7x Okyu at ST 36 and the following eight points could avert any disease in the body.
  • shimetaroharipelvispoints.0x100.gif
  • For Children he felt that 1-3x Okyu at ST 36 is enough. If the child returns with no improvement use ST 36 and points 2,3,5 & 6 as indicated above.
  • Clinically, this treatment is especially useful for any kind of pelvic pain, urinary disorders, low back pain, hypertension, fertility issues, PMS, painful menstruation, heart disease or a compromised immune system.

Sources and More Information

The information on our site is drawn from our own lecture notes and clinical experience. The following lecture notes were used within this section:

  • Iuliano, Diane: New England School of Acupuncture, Extraordinary Vessel Techniques Lecture Notes
  • Kuwahara, Koei: New England School of Acupuncture, Advanced Japanese Techniques Lecture Notes

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