Acupuncture treatment protocols are generally directed towards the deeper root of a persons set of health issues, not at each individual issue. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, treatment is generally directed towards the individuals diagnostic pattern(s) and their primary issue is only a part of the information required to approach the correct patterns to treat (see "treating the cause vs. the symptoms" for an introduction to this process.).
Our TCM diagnosis and acupuncture treatment pages for the issues which may arise during the pregnancy and childbirth process are divided into four main sections. The first section covers issues which may arise during the 1st and 2nd trimesters such as morning sickness and constipation. The second section covers 3rd trimester issues such as sciatica and a breech position. The third section covers birthing issues such as the induction of labor and weak contractions. Finally, the fourth section covers postpartum issues such as depression and insufficient lactation.
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Chad J. Dupuis / Yin Yang House
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