How To Learn Tong Ren Therapy

blog post

How To Learn Tong Ren Therapy

Published on 07-30-2010

"ChadD" is an acupuncturist and lives in Minneapolis and has authored 367 other posts.

People from around the world often ask me what is the best way to learn Tong Ren Therapy if they cannot attend one of the training seminars led by Master Tam or other senior practitioners.  Certainly the seminars are quite useful but I always tell people they shouldn't worry too much if they cannot attend one.  In reality, I think it is better to have read, practiced and experienced the system before attending a seminar - you will get much more out of it if the opportunity presents itself in the future.

So how to go about learning the system.

First you will want to understand some of the underlying theory.  For this aspect there are two texts which have some overlapping information so one or the other is a good place to start.  The first text written about the system was the "Tom Tam Healing System".  This text was written in the early days of Tong Ren Therapy and was somewhat focused towards acupuncturists and practitioners of other styles of energy healing.  If you are familiar with acupuncture theory, this is the best text for you to start learning Tong Ren Therapy with.

The other text that is focused more on the energy healing aspect of Tong Ren Therapy is "Tong Ren Therapy:  Beyond Acupuncture".  For people with no background in Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture theory this is the text to start.  After several revisions of both texts that have come somewhat closer in content but for most people the Beyond Acupuncture text is the way to start learning the theory behind Tong Ren Therapy.

The other text that everyone will benefit from is the "Lazy Bum's Cross Reference Guide."  This text has the points we use for every condition that you are likely to see as a practitioner of Tong Ren Therapy including all types of cancer.  There is a full size edition and a pocket edition available and it is updated every couple years or so to include new advances in treatment methods.  Both texts contain some useful point location charts that are also quite helpful for beginners.

Other than that, obviously a Tong Ren Doll and a Tong Ren Hammer are necessary for treatment.  Later items such as the TENS unit and laser can be used, but initially, all you need is a doll and hammer.

While there are some incredible aspects of Tom's system, particularly if you are an acupuncturist and have a good grasp of everything he is accomplishing, it is still a "Monkey See, Monkey Do" system (as Tom likes to put it).  So how to see the Monkeys....  Well one way is through live broadcasts of Tong Ren energy healing classes.  We broadcast ours most Tuesdays at 6pm (see Tong Ren Live Broadcast) and many others are available via Tong Ren Station .com.  And if there is a regular energy healing class in your area (see map), you can attend those and through observation you will learn an immense amount.

At least through those methods you can easily see and experience the classes for yourself which will become even more interesting as you understand the underlying theory.  Then if you ever get a chance in the future to attend a seminar you will get a tremendous amount from the experience - and if you don't, that is fine, you will still be able to help others and yourself with this wonderful system.

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Issues/Symptoms: cancer

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