Published on 12-09-2023
"anon101995" is an acupuncture student who lives in Germany - this is their first post.
where can I read about the acu-silk treatment? books?!
comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Dec 2023
I'm not sure about acu-silk in particular but that is an offshoot of the theories within meridian color therapy. There is at least a book or two regarding that topic.
While I'm not aware of any published research with acu silk therapy the general layout is the application of small piece of fabric, dyed from organic/plant substances, on specific acupuncture points using the colors of the channels you'd like to influence.
The colors are generally:
HT - pale yellow
SI - yellow
UB - peach
KD - orange
PC - rose/light red
TH - red
LV - dark purple
GB - purple
LU - blue
LI - light blue
ST - green
SP - pale/light green
But within these color systems there are differences in the relationships.
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