Advice on possible "ROSACEA" on hands

forum post

Advice on possible "ROSACEA" on hands

Published on 05-13-2012

"anon209629" has authored 1 other post.

I would like to ask you for any advice or suggestion on a treatment for one case of mine. The client is a female, 77, and complains of constant pain in her hands, feet, and knee. She also has signs of swelling in these areas. Her doctor has ruled out rheumatism or arthritis, and the patient is not overweight, but has a 'sweet-tooth' and likes to add a good sprinkle of salt to her meals.

She suffers from red marks on back of her hands - I am including pictures below for illustration. When I was searching, what this could be, I got as far as possible symtoms of "rosacea".

Kid, Spl, St, Ht are usualy in imbalance with her, she complains on the front of the knee pain and around the inside acle on both feet. When I give her a massage or accupressure on St 40, St 36, Kid 1, Kid 4 (not using needles, because I am not an accupuncturist) she feels great relief in pain.

Anti-seizure medication

Blood-pressure medication

Cholesterol medication

Many thanks in advance for any advice and help with this lovely client of mine.


Here are some photos of her hand.

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Comments / Discussions:

comment by "archived-user"
on May 2012

You may additional massage her back UB channels, specially at UB11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20 & 23.

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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on May 2012

To me that doesn&#39t look like rosacea, but rather bruising most likely from her blood pressure medicine or some combination of medicines (rosacea is primarily on the face and in many cases would come and go more than it looks like this is). Did her doctor give her a diagnosis for those areas? If not, I would see another physician. Then, I would recommend she sees an acupuncturist to treat her overall in conjunction with what you are doing particularly if she might have to swap out some of her medicine(s) for Chinese herbs and/or acupuncture.

On your side I would probably do something like massage behind the SCM in the neck (SI 16 / SI 17 area) on both sides to improve circulation between head and body, then work in the lower cervical and upper thoracic areas to improve circulation to the arms and hands and down along the arms and into the hands. Then focus on the huatuo of T4 (skin) and T7 (controls blood issues).

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comment by "anon209629"
on May 2012

Dear Feng and Chad,

I just would like to thank you both for your fantastic advices on this case of mine.

Gratefully with kind regards Elsa

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