Bach Flower Remedies for Social Anxiety/Social Phobia

forum post

Bach Flower Remedies for Social Anxiety/Social Phobia

Published on 02-25-2010

"Newmoon" has authored 5 other posts.


I just wondered if anybody knows about Bach Flower Remedies. I am interested to know which is the best remedy to treat Social Anxiety/Phobia. I read on the internet somebody suggested Crab Apple but other people have said Holly, Pine or Mimulus.

Any information would be appreciated.


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Comments / Discussions:

comment by "Sehorfjc"
on Mar 2010

This might be a little off-topic but I have been wondering if I could mix flower essences into my herbal tinctures? Any thoughts?



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comment by "erikita"
on Mar 2010

Although I have tried Bach flower remedies, I have found Australian Bushflower Essences to be very effective. As a practitioner, I have given several formulas for many ailments to my patients and have found them to have a profound effect (in a good way) on them.

My suggestion for the types of Australian Bushflower Essences that may be useful for Social Anxiety/Phobia would be as follows:

Dog Rose - Fearful, shy, insecure, apprehensive with other people and niggling fears

Crowea - for continual worrying and "not feeling quite right"

Five Corners - Low self esteem, dislike of self, crushed or "held in" personality

Grey Spider Flower - if they feel as if harm will be done to them by others if they are in social situations

You should be able to log into Australian Bush Flower and order the essences in a formula with the above listed flower essences or you can order the concentrated forms and make up more than one bottle. I can guarrantee you will be wanting more than one bottle. :)

All the best, Erica French

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comment by "Student" (complementary)
on Mar 2010

There is a wonderful questionaire( google it) that asks 3 questions per remedy based on the Bach Flower essences that will help you narrow your choices. Do know, 6-8 essences can be combined in one bottle of spring water to make your specific formula.I usually use a small dropper bottle jar and use that one up and retake the quesionaire. Inevitable, some of the essences will stay the same and same will change. this is why all those remedies recommended may be the right remedy.

I have more experience with the Bach Flower Essences though the theory behind every company is essentialy the same and is based on the work of Dr. Bach. But every geographical area and every country has remedies from their specific biome..When I lived in Alaska, I found specific esences from Alsaskan flowers, same with the desert, because Dr. Bach felt that the flowers needed to heal yourself should come generally speaking from within 5 miles of your environment. So in saying that it is wiser to choose essences that are made with flowers you are familiar with.

i would not mix the flower essences with my herbs. The flower essences do better with a carrier of water to diffuse their assimilation into our bodies. It makes sense, since our bodies are such a high percentage of water.

Good Luck

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comment by "Newmoon"
on Mar 2010

Thank you very much for all your replies. Erica - I decided to take your advice and try the Australian Bush Flower essence. I looked on their website and ordered a bottle of Confid Essence to try. I have to admit I was a little sceptical, but I used it twice a day as stated and on the 10th day, wow! I really did feel different. You were right - I definitely wanted another bottle!

I feel like there has been a subtle but definite shift in my confidence and the way in which I interact with other people. It is really great and I am happily enjoying my new found confidence. I understand the science behind the flower essences but am still amazed that something so gentle can really work. It really does seem to be helping though so I am just happy about that.

By the way, the Confid essence includes some of the essences you suggested, which is what made me go for it. It is a combination of Boab, Dog Rose, Five Corners, Southern Cross and Sturt Desert Rose. I am also having regular 5 element acupuncture to boost my heart element and heart protector which are always very low, presumably accounting for my level of social anxiety. I am happy that I am using different angles to approaching becoming well and look forward to a new improved me in the future!

Once again, thank you for everybody's replies and all your advice, I am very grateful. I think Yin Yang House is a great forum, enabling me to contact all you cool people : - )



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