Determining deficiencies in yy

forum post

Determining deficiencies in yy

Published on 07-13-2016

"anon136062" - this is their first post.

Brand new to this community and would like to know how I can evaluate if possible where and what my deficiency might be. I suffer from severe eczema of the right palm only.

Very interested lay person. I really don’t want to continue on the Protopic biologic prescribed by AMA.
Thank you

Comments / Discussions:

comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Jul 2016

In all honesty, the only way to get proper treatment is to find an acupuncturist in your local area and give them somewhere in the vicinity of 2-6 months. You should see an acupuncturist who also practices Chinese herbal medicine as that aspect can be very important with certain underlying causes of eczema. Trying to treat yourself will generally not get you very far with anything beyond the most simple and straightforward conditions.

The benefit a practitioner will have over an internet forum is physical inspection of you and the ability to ask a host of personal but relevant questions about your medical history, lifestyle, diet, etc. The level of detail we need to obtain a proper diagnosis is generally not feasible on an internet forum.

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comment by "anon136062"
on Jul 2016

Sorry for the late reply.
Thank you for taking the time to answer. I am only about 45 minutes away from NESA in Massachusettes. I will see if the intern clinic can help.
Insurance won’t cover treatment and I am on a tight budget.
-Paul Garand

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comment by "ChadD" (acupuncturist)
on Jul 2016

That would be a good place to go, also they do have a number of satellite clinics - so ask them when you call and you may be able to find a clinic within 20 minutes of your house.

If you get limited results (which you shouldn’t for eczema), my personal teacher whom I respect greatly is in Chinatown - the Lea Tam Acupuncture Center - Master Tom Tam. They are in the phone book. The treatments would be more expensive, but I can assure you you will get the best of care.

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